Run with the Wind, Freedom Is the Direction

Xu Nan discovered to his surprise that with his identity as an assistant instructor, he could openly harvest activity points from the job-holders.

As for whether the attitudes of these spellcasters would become better or worse toward him after this training camp... Xu Nan didn't give a damn.

Yesterday, after the test scores were revealed, many people took the initiative to add Xu Nan on WeChat.

Everyone praised him to the skies in the group chat, causing Xu Nan to feel a little embarrassed.

In the end, someone mentioned that this academic god was a warlock, and then the enthusiasm of everyone faded by a lot.

This caused Xu Nan to feel a little angry.

Were the people nowadays all so pragmatic?

So what even if he was a warlock? Was the knowledge in his bloodline not considered knowledge?

What Wu Sanpao had said wasn't a lie. The members of the Thousand Awn Agency ostracized warlocks, and this attitude of theirs affected even the participants of the training camp.

The majority of the students noted this; there was a sound in their hearts…

(So it turns out that Xu Nan is a trash warlock. To level up, he only needs to depend on his bloodline awakening. The majority of his knowledge came from his bloodline inheritance. No matter how awesome he seems now, he will eventually be surpassed by all of us!)

Maybe, they had forgotten that in the aspect of knowledge, warlocks could learn them from studying too. Although warlocks had no way to directly learn spells, the ability to self-study still depended on the individual, alright?

Xu Nan's opinion of these mages turned very bad. He naturally wouldn't care about their feelings.

In his eyes, this bunch of students had already become lambs. What he needed to do was to take their wool in ingenious ways.

His actions today directly caused his activity points to break through the great wall of 100,000 points.

This month's monthly activity was organized by the 4th alchemy center in Lost Paradise. Hence, Xu Nan wasn't worried that they would be on guard against him due to his past history. He was planning to gather plenty of points before using them to draw on the lottery wheel in one shot!


To be honest, the theory classes of the training camp were truly dry and boring.

Self-revision classes simply meant that they had to frantically memorize information. There was a test every day and if one's score didn't pass, they had to take a retest on the second day. If they took a retest for a particular test for the third time, they would directly be unable to participate in the practical lessons!

After Xu Nan announced this news, the grumbling and complaints from the students reached their peak.

"Do you need help?"

At the entrance of the classroom, a guy wearing a peaked cap with a rod in his hand asked.

All the future mage lords instantly grew more honest when they saw this Brother Rod. They quietly began to do their test papers.

Xu Nan stared at Brother Rod with gratitude.

In the end, Brother Rod left with some disappointment. "Mn...their judgment is not bad. Sigh, let me go to the next class and take a look. If I don't hit anyone today, my hands will feel itchy."

All the students didn't even dare to breathe too loudly. It seemed like this Brother Rod was extremely infamous in the Thousand Awn Agency's training camp.

Xu Nan also didn't waste time. During today's afternoon, Zhang Yue personally tested him with regard to all the theoretical knowledge of this training camp. In the end, Xu Nan could answer all his questions.

Normal theoretical knowledge was useless to Xu Nan.

Zhang Yue personally ran to a certain department in the Thousand Awn Agency and passed three books to Xu Nan for his reading. Each of the books seemed extremely thin, but in truth, they were genuine magic spellbooks!

[An introduction to techniques for mages in close-combat]

This was the first book that Xu Nan read. The author was actually black-listed in the Puluo World. However, the era he lived in was too long ago. It was said that this book was something every spellcaster in the arcanist empire had to study.

Xu Nan naturally didn't wish to become something strange like a close-combat mage. This book mainly explained how a spellcaster should act when a close-combat job was fighting against them. It also included the reaction technique one should use if an assassin closed in.

There were also some simple countermeasures against close-combat listed inside.

For the vast majority of spellcasters, other than cultivating their own spell, they would also learn some simple-to-use weapons. For mages who lacked the strength to even truss a chicken, it was impossible for them to become a legend.

Xu Nan read through with great interest. Ever since his last battle with the kobolds left a scar in his heart, he didn't have thoughts of fighting in close-combat anymore. However, after reading this book, he decided that if he had time, he would practice some of the most basic defensive techniques.

How to react against close-combat enemies was the grimmest lesson all spellcasters had to learn.

The most perfect solution was naturally to be like Mr. Romand. When an assassin snuck up to you, you simply turned and smashed your staff at them, letting them know you were better than them in close-combat!

Xu Nan wasn't able to achieve that, but at the very least, he wanted to have the ability to protect himself.

"Using a dagger for self-defense isn't a bad choice. I can practice that if I have the time. Sadly, there are no details on it in the book, so I can only practice wielding a dagger roughly."

Xu Nan felt some regret as he closed the book. He glanced at the time.

"Time to collect the papers."

Many people didn't even have the time to finish it.

Xu Nan joyfully collected the papers and there was naturally no need to mention that his number of activity points shot up.

For a time, he felt extremely happy.

During the next afternoon.

According to the arranged time, Xu Nan made his preparations and came to the road outside the dorm building.

There was a large road separating the dorm building and teaching building of Commerce University. This place was also the location the guys in the dorms chose for their naked run!

December 5th, the time where life and death were determined had arrived!

At the very least, the words on the banner hoisted up early in the morning were written like this. There were over 300 signatures of guy students!

Xu Nan was incomparably depressed as he went to the scene. There were many people in the surroundings, but the number of guys that appeared...were pathetically few?

Where were the 300 brave warriors?

Why was he the only one from his dorm to have arrived punctually?

He couldn't help but send out messages to check on them. After a long time, one of them finally replied to him, "Stop bothering us. We played games through the night yesterday, we are still sleeping now!"

Alright then. Xu Nan glanced at the few guys here. Other than the person in the lead exuding a powerful aura, the others seemed to be cowering!

It was only to be expected as the 300 brave warriors were now only 30. The surrounding spectators would be females and the various media that had been contacted. No matter who it was, they would definitely feel terrified.

However, Xu Nan wasn't flustered, and he remained as calm as an old dog. This was because he had the disguise spell!

"Brother Kai...why don't we disperse? I suddenly have a stomachache." A delicate-looking guy in glasses felt his legs growing soft.

"Yeah, Brother Kai. I can't take it anymore."

Everyone also felt a little terrified.

The person in the lead might be a shorty, but he exuded an imposing feeling without being angry. "What nonsense are you all talking about!"

"Retreating as the time for battle approaches is a crime worthy of beheading!"

Everyone silently mumbled and ridiculed this. However, Brother Kai roared loudly, "How many times have we rehearsed before? If we give up now, wouldn't that waste all of our previous efforts?

"Everyone, strip for me!"

This person's voice was extremely loud and clear. With a single word 'strip', countless people on both sides of the road turned their attention over. The various media that had been contacted long ago excitedly turned their cameras to that direction and started to take photos.

Brother Kai led by example. He didn't shirk from his duty and removed all items of clothing from himself in a familiar manner. Only a red-colored underwear that exuded an incomparably sultry aura remained.

The others all had embarrassed looks on their faces.

However, for Xu Nan, because of the disguise spell, he calmly took off all his clothes, only leaving behind a black-colored underwear.

When everyone saw someone taking the lead, and under the encouraging look of Brother Kai, each of them gritted their teeth and began to strip.

The girls all cheered. Sadly, after they finished looking at the figures of the guys, a booing sound rang out from the crowd.

It felt like the spectators weren't very satisfied.

Brother Kai and another person hoisted the banner that had the words…

[Rejecting the brainless cutoff of electricity and the internet. Protecting our interest will start from me!]

"Everyone, run!" Brother Kai started to run as he pulled the banner.

The others also felt their blood coursing. Who wouldn't have a few hot-blooded moments in their youth?

Cutting the electricity and the internet, breaking off one's path to wealth, or killing one's the later part was a little too severe. In any case, these acts couldn't be forgiven!

There was even someone in the crowd who lifted an old-fashioned radio and started to play Yu Quan's song [Run].

"Follow the wind and run, freedom is the direction~ The power to chase after the lightning and thunder~"

Who knew how that person managed to find a radio and audiotape!

Xu Nan simply ran along.

He didn't care about the cutting of electricity or the internet. It was good as long as he could accomplish his mission.

In any case, it was just 200 meters. He had the disguise spell to conceal his features, so no one would be able to tell it was him.

As he ran, all of a sudden, a gaze filled with malicious intentions landed on him from the crowd.

It was Song Xiaocheng!

Xu Nan subconsciously lowered his running speed.

Song Xiaocheng was hiding in the crowd, and he had long since felt very unhappy toward Xu Nan.

The test yesterday made him hell-bent on acting against Xu Nan. After confirming that Xu Nan would appear in the naked run today, he had been camping here.

Given his understanding of Xu Nan, although he was strange and shameless, he definitely wouldn't do something like this easily.

As expected…

The target of his spell was a person that looked like a fat uncle!

"Hehe, disguise?" Song Xiaocheng gave a sinister laugh. He naturally knew how to break the disguise spell easily!

"Today, I will destroy your reputation, Xu Nan. It's time for you to pay back the debt!"

Song Xiaocheng mumbled.

[Incantation - Torrential Storm!]

All of a sudden, under the shocked gazes of the crowd, a dark cloud swiftly condensed and chased after Xu Nan!

The icy air currents in the cloud turned into the pouring rain, wanting to give Xu Nan a shower!

When this strange scene appeared, everyone involuntarily turned their attention over.

"Wow! Everyone, look! That person's features are changing!"

A girl called out.

The various media took photos.

Song Xiaocheng felt extremely satisfied upon achieving his goal.

However, at the next moment, his expression stiffened.

Under the disguise of that fat and greasy uncle, it was actually a familiar face.

Xu Nan calmly finished the run and snuck away. After that, this campaign resulted in failure due to the school's forceful actions.

In today's event, the most famous person wasn't Brother Kai or any others.

It was the male student who was said to be in disguise while running naked. He was also the participant whom the media had taken the most photos of, using him as a feature article.

The person's name was Song Xiaocheng.


After returning to the underground city, Xu Nan took the [Cheat Mask]off his face.

At the start, he only wanted to use the disguise spell. But later on, he still felt uneasy; hence, he decided to have double protection.

The [Cheating Mask] was one of the magical equipment Xu Nan had drawn from the lottery wheel of the 7th alchemy center of Lost Paradise. It could memorize the features of a few people and after wearing it, job-holders below stage 2 wouldn't be able to see through it!

Xu Nan had long since used it to record Song Xiaocheng's features. After all, Song Xiaocheng was considered quite good-looking too!

Everyone liked good-looking people!

Originally, he hadn't wanted to destroy Song Xiaocheng's reputation as it would be too lacking in the moral sense, and it didn't suit Xu Nan's style.

Hence, he had added another layer of disguise spell on the mask just in case there were any unexpected situations.

However, who could have guessed that comrade Song Xiaocheng didn't know repentance and actually sneak-attacked him. Xu Nan's disguise spell on the mask was washed off by the rain and in the end...

Song Xiaocheng became completely autistic today.

Xu Nan felt sympathy for comrade Song Xiaocheng's experience, yet he got mercilessly blacklisted by the other party.

Fortunately, Xu Nan didn't like to hit someone who was down. After all, Song Xiaocheng's contribution had made him relatively wealthy in terms of activity points. He mustn't force Song Xiaocheng up a path of death!

Xu Nan glanced at his mission card.


Mission completed: Obtain 20 shameless points and a job specialty of forest ranger!

[Flying Over Grass (forest ranger): In forested areas or places with grass, your movement speed increased by 40%]

Xu Nan instantly felt joyful when he saw it. He opened up WeChat and sent a text to Qin Lele.

"If you obtained the specialty of Flying Over Grass from the forest ranger class, what would you use it for?"

"Naturally to play in fixed soccer matches!"

Qin Lele replied instantly.
