First Meeting of the Underground City’s Inhabitants

For today's training camp, Zhang Yue personally arrived at the scene. Xu Nan didn't need to stand in for him.

Although Song Xiaocheng was sitting beside Xu Nan, Xu Nan could clearly sense that this child had become completely autistic. No matter how Xu Nan tried to provoke him, there was no response at all.

Even other students in the class had strange expressions when they looked at Song Xiaocheng. After all, the incident this morning had been circulated to the extent where everyone knew about it.

Song Xiaocheng hadn't completely crumbled apart yet. On the contrary, he had transformed his rage into motivation. The occasional glance he shot at Xu Nan was filled with oppressiveness. After that, he would continue to memorize the study materials frenziedly.

Zhang Yue's style was very unyielding. The test two days ago had caused him to be very unsatisfied. Today, he decided to personally appear, and he only had one purpose - it was to make all these future mage lords memorize the theoretical knowledge completely no matter what he had to do.

Xu Nan guessed that after the training camp was over, there should be something important waiting for them.

If not, the Thousand Awn Agency wouldn't be so anxious, looking for a short-term return.

Zhang Yue clearly said that the theory lessons would use force-feeding as a teaching method. He wanted everyone to cram all the information into their minds.

This didn't appear to be too good because the information they had to learn was the common knowledge of the Puluo World. There was no need for them to memorize a thing like 'common knowledge' completely; they only needed to know roughly and be able to put their knowledge to practice when the situation required it. They would then automatically understand it. 

As usual, Xu Nan didn't fit in well with the crowd.

There was no solution to this, his bloodline was just so dope!

After the interlude, Zhang Yue gave out another set of test papers. Xu Nan didn't even say anything and was already chased off by Zhang Yue.

In Zhang Yue's words: "Since you already know everything, there's no need to waste time here. Why don't you spend this time doing stuff that would stimulate your bloodline?"

It seemed like he had a certain degree of understanding about the bloodline awakening methods of warlocks.

Xu Nan had a very favorable impression of Zhang Yue. One aspect was because he gave him the position of an assistant instructor and allowed him to gain many activity points. The second aspect was that Zhang Yue didn't show any signs of holding warlocks in contempt.

Under the envious gazes of the students, Xu Nan left early again.

He gained another bunch of activity points, but the amount wasn't as high as before. It seemed like everyone had already grown numb.

Next time, he had to think of a new tactic.

Xu Nan scratched his head.


In the underground base, today was extremely lively.

Not only had the captain of law enforcement finished her confinement and come back to the base, but the Foreign Language Middle School had also smoothly completed the registration of all job-holders. Qin Lele naturally had time now. Even Lu Junyi and Fang Shilin, whom he had not seen for a long time, were both back in the underground city as well.

Upon seeing this, Xu Nan chose to buy over ten kg of green-skinned crayfish so everyone could have a gathering and feasted on some seafood.

What was worthy of a mention was that the number of green-skinned crayfish on the market was very limited. Their prices were exorbitantly high, but even so, the people who wanted to eat them didn't care.

By the way, the path leading to the underground city wasn't just the ancient well near Grandpa Zhong's house.

Xu Nan had gotten Fireflow to design the route, while the imps had been responsible for building it. Finally, he opened up a tunnel leading from his house to the underground base.

In the future, there was no need for Soupy to bring along a bottle of lubricant if she wanted to come here.

In any case, these were all rumblings outside the main topic.

At the gathering, everyone was happily eating and drinking.

Xu Nan suggested that since it was rare for everyone to be around, they might as well take the chance to hold a meeting to discuss the future development of the underground city.

Everyone gladly agreed.

Hence, the first meeting of the underground city's inhabitants officially began.

The first discussion was about the problem of the farming ground.

Xu Nan had gotten Fireflow to set an area for agriculture purposes very long ago. Out of the many constructs in the flying warship, the farming ground was one of the most insignificant-looking one, yet it was extremely important.

The flying warship of the arcanist empire could travel through space for an expedition. The crucial point for this was that they had to produce their own rations. The warship depended on the farming ground to produce these needed rations.

The area of the farming ground was very big. It was a semi-plane that was forcefully shifted onto the flying warship by the arcanists, who had then compressed its space.

In the spirit of energy efficiency, Xu Nan activated only two plots of land. The first region was used to plant hybridized rice, and the imps would be responsible for this. There were no other solutions. The imps were currently the only inhabitants of the underground city now.

In any case, Xu Nan hadn't started any mining operations yet, so the imps were extremely idle every day. Rather than having them waste the rations, he might as well get them to work the land.

Now, the key point was what he should plant on the second plot of land.

Xu Nan indicated for everyone to give their views.

"How about some fruit trees?" The captain of the law enforcement team took the lead to speak. "For example, you can plant two fruit trees."

Xu Nan asked. "What trees?"

"One is a jujube tree, the other is also a jujube tree." Student Qin Lele might now be a little crazed from memorizing too many study materials.

Xu Nan chortled, "How about planting a few tangerine trees?"

"Forget about tangerines...a loquat tree is fine too." Qin Lele thought for a little.

Xu Nan was bewildered. "Why?"

"A loquat tree in the courtyard, planted during the year of my wife's death. Now, it's already as tall as a canopy*…" Qin Lele shook her head.

Xu Nan directly threw her out.

This girl who had not been in school for a long time recently spent a long time cooped up in it. After she got back, she wanted to boast of her new knowledge to them all.

"Brother Junyi, what do you think?"

Xu Nan stared at Lu Junyi's figure, which was growing increasingly skinnier, with concern. He then asked Shi Fanglin, "What's wrong with him?"

Earlier when they had been eating crayfish, he had noticed that this time around, Lu Junyi seemed very unhappy after his return. Even when eating the crayfish, he only ate a little of them.

Lu Junyi felt some fatigue as he inclined his head. "Just plant anything there, how about some okra?"

Xu Nan mumbled, "Okra? Why so?"

Shi Fanglin coldly laughed, "To boost male sex drive."

Xu Nan: "..."

Shi Fanglin added, "During these few days, in order to get the chance to return to the hospital, our Vet Lu has been going at it many times with Wenxin, running to her bed every single night. Seeing that he is not completely drained up is a sign of Miss Wenxi being merciful.

Xu Nan went pale with fright.

A female barbarian warrior? Lu Junyi could stomach that?

Lu Junyi raged, "Wasn't it because you damn tranny forced me to make you into a job-holder? The chance lies in the hospital. If I don't get it back, how can I make you into a job-holder?

"Don't you guys look at me with those looks on your faces. So what if she's a female barbarian warrior? Miss Wenxin has a very good figure, pure and natural 36D! Even all the silicone rubber melted away!"

Xu Nan scratched his head. "But, isn't her fine hair a little too much?"

"Do you think I don't know? I waxed her every day, but the fine hairs grew out again during the next day. When I slept with her for the first time, I was almost frightened to death!"

"This daddy sacrificed himself, wasn't it all because of the big picture?"

"We will get a result by next week at the latest. Wenxin has agreed to speak some good words about me to her father. Adding on my own connection in the capital, there shouldn't be any major problems."

Everyone felt deep veneration for him.

The meeting then continued.

Soupy unhappily ran over and patted Xu Nan on his shoulder. "Are you not going to ask me what I want to plant?"

Xu Nan confidently spoke, "I've already prepared a small bamboo forest for you…"

"Why do I have to eat bamboo?" Soupy was bewildered.

Xu Nan was shocked. "Don't giant pandas eat bamboo?"

Soupy spoke in contempt, "There's nothing good to eat, that's why I ate bamboo. I don't want to eat bamboo if I have a choice. I want to eat some roast ducks. Can you plant some?"

Xu Nan was speechless.

"Forget it, I don't expect an owner like you to know how to plant roast ducks. I will steal them myself…"

Soupy mumbled in a soft voice. She then turned her head and took out her mobile phone. "In that case, can you help me take a look and see if there's a problem with my phone?"

Xu Nan glanced at the phone and discovered that this was an iPhone of the latest model. It was unknown how she got it.

He checked his shameless points, and it was indeed slightly higher than before. It seemed like, during the days where he wasn't here, Soupy didn't neglect the doing of immoral acts.

Xu Nan could set his heart at ease then.

He checked through the phone and said in a puzzled voice, "There are no problems with it, so what's the problem?"

Soupy angrily spoke, "There clearly is a problem. I heard them saying that this phone has very high pixels, and the photos taken using this phone would be full-colored. But when I tested the camera earlier on myself, it only could take black-and-white photos!"


Xu Nan fell silent. He pushed Soupy away with one of his hands and clutched his heart with another.

(Give me some peace!)

He sat at the side and glanced at everything from a detached point of view. He then sighed in his heart, "Why does my own underground city have a bunch of crazy people staying in it…!"

With a bunch of crazy inhabitants, the future looked bleak and worrying!

The first meeting of the underground city's inhabitants ended just like that.

As to what they should plant in the second zone of the farming ground, everyone couldn't come to a conclusion after much arguing. Xu Nan decided to give them the authority over that area, letting them decide.

(You guys can plant whatever you want to, this daddy is going to wash his hands off this matter!)

Xu Nan originally wanted to discuss the second topic, but when he saw this bunch of crazy people boasting loudly while cramming snacks down their throats, he decided to forget about it.

The army of the great demon Inoya was still his biggest worry.

The kobolds were the vanguards and they had been annihilated. Why hadn't the rest of the army shown up despite such a long time had passed?

Was this because of their own twisted nature or their lack of morality?

Xu Nan couldn't understand it. The imps he had sent out for scouting also didn't have any discoveries.

Until at this moment, an imp suddenly ran over and panted as it spoke a lot of things.

Xu Nan only heard, "We discovered traces of the main army!"

"Where? Bring me there!" Xu Nan was nervous and solemn.

The imp led Xu Nan and his group of people out of the underground city to the side of the underground river. It then pointed to the corpses in the river flowing down from the upper reaches.

"They are all there!"



*Qin Lele was reciting a famous chinese poem