I Want to Sit Here

On the river's surface, the corpses of kobolds floated there. Occasionally, bugbear's corpses would be appearing as well…

They simply floated on the underground river's surface. From afar, the scene still looked quite comical.

However, Xu Nan didn't smile. Behind the comical appearance, there must be some terrifying truths.

These corpses had already started to stink. If they didn't handle this in time, it might pollute the water quality of the underground river!

The water used by the base was temporarily channeled from the underground river. Although the water purification factory in the flying warship could ensure the quality of the water, Xu Nan still couldn't bear the thought of the underground river being polluted.

He got the little mechanical demons to drag the corpses onto the ground.

Lu Junyi started to check the corpses. Sadly, although his vet techniques were brilliant, he was still at a loss when it came to creatures of the Alter World.

"Give a call to Gu Xiaomeng."

After checking the corpses for a while, the vet gave a very useful suggestion. "I feel that she should be able to see things more clearly!"

Shi Fanglin coldly laughed. "Are you saying that you aren't able to see what's wrong with these corpses?"

Lu Junyi had a strange expression. "I think they were...forget it, just treat it like I wasn't able to see anything wrong! In any case, things are somewhat strange. It's best that none of us get too near to these monsters. Forbid the imps from going near as well."

Xu Nan nodded.

He sent a text to Gu Xiaomeng. She who had just finished her registration process replied that she would return swiftly.

Xu Nan had just wanted to send out the bat-formed little mechanical demon to investigate the situation in the upper reaches. However, he didn't expect Qin Lele, who was adept at controlling her drone, had already found some clues.

"Guys, look! There's a vast amount of shadows on the river bank! They should belong to the kobolds and other subterranean creatures! This place is roughly about 5 - 6 km away from our base."

Qin Lele knew the surroundings of the underground city extremely well due to her previous exploration.

Xu Nan decided to bring some imps and little mechanical demons to that stretch of riverbank for a look.

Lu Junyi would go and receive Gu Xiaomeng. She only knew that Xu Nan had an underground city, but she didn't know where it was because she had been woman-napped by them last time.

When she had left, Xu Nan also didn't let her know the exact route.

After all, a goddess from the Puluo World was behind this girl. Everyone didn't object to Xu Nan's cautious measures.

Xu Nan and Qin Lele followed the river as they moved.

Not long later, they arrived at that stretch of the riverbank.

In the underground world, the road was extremely narrow. There were only a few scattered cracks.

"Are there any paths leading to the surface from here?"

Xu Nan asked.

"There's one. If you head in that direction, you will find a small path that can lead you to the surface. However, that place is monopolized by a large-scale animal-rearing factory, which has many workers. It isn't easy to get out using that path."

Qin Lele pointed at a certain direction in the dark.

Xu Nan glanced over before turning his attention back onto the riverbank.

There was a relatively well-developed camp here.

Evidently, the majority of the kobold troops had been camping here, and they had built a few basic installations in the surroundings. At the very least, their base was better developed compared to the gnolls from before.

However, all the kobolds died mysteriously. Even the other subterranean creatures weren't fortunate enough to survive.

Their deaths looked very tragic.

It didn't seem like the aftermath of a sudden attack. They looked as though they had been tortured to death by some sort of a mysterious power.

Xu Nan felt extremely shocked by the ghastly sight.

In the entire base, there were over 400 corpses of kobolds, not including the portion of the bodies that had already floated downstream.

Their deaths were too tragic and terrifying. Xu Nan couldn't bear to see it and felt a little dizzy.

"Let us do some investigation. I keep feeling there's something fishy behind this. What sort of power could kill so many kobolds in a single breath? Even worse, it could kill the bugbears whose strength is near to stage 2."

Xu Nan felt a chill in his heart.

There seemed to be a terrifying giant beast hiding in the darkness of the underground world that could jump out at any moment to devour people.

He walked around the camp and confirmed that there were no survivors.

"Eh? What is this?"

Xu Nan found a plastic bag at a certain door of a simple and crude warehouse.

"This seems to be the stuff used for rearing animals by the factory above…" said Qin Lele, who put on her flashlight as she looked at it.

"What is in this warehouse?"

Xu Nan involuntarily felt curious and wanted to open the warehouse for a look.

At this moment, his phone vibrated. A series of texts from Lu Junyi had arrived.

[Gu Xiaomeng has arrived. She said she must talk to you about some matters face-to-face. But I've already asked her to analyze the reason for the death of these kobolds.]

[Damn, a priestess has it so simple, they only needed to brainlessly cast a spell and wait for results!]

[Little Nannan! Do not go near that base! Burn it with fire!]

Xu Nan was stupefied. It was very rare for Lu Junyi to lose his composure like this.

Hence, he made a call. "What's the situation?"

On his side, Qin Lele had curiously opened up the warehouse. A creaking sound rang out as a pungent smell drifted out from within.

"The results are out, the cause of death is avian flu."

Lu Junyi shouted, "Have you guys gone to that camp yet? Don't go in, just burn everything. Be careful that the flu might spread!'

Xu Nan silently glanced at the dead fowls in the warehouse, as well as Qin Lele who was vomiting violently while leaning against the door. He then hurriedly carried the little thief up as he rushed outside!


An hour later.

At the underground city base.

All the corpses were already cremated, and Gu Xiaomeng had personally cast a divine spell [Area: Dispel Plague] on the underground river to ensure that the avian flu from the animal-rearing factory wouldn't affect the water.

This caused Xu Nan to have a whole new level of respect for the goddess behind Gu Xiaomeng.

Xu Nan and Qin Lele were people who had entered the kobold's camp. Under the divine blessings of Gu Xiaomeng, the possibility of them getting infected was basically zero.

This result caused Xu Nan to feel a little surprised.

He was thinking and worrying too much in his heart. They didn't die in the spatial chaotic currents or spacetime storms, they didn't die under the savage mouths of chinese people, but they actually died because of a few infected chickens from the animal-rearing factory above. Now, he deduced that the army of great demon Inoya most probably had run into a shortage of food in the underground world, so they decided to head to the surface using the small path and eventually discovered the animal-rearing factory. The kobolds probably knew that it wasn't good for them to make a large disturbance there. Hence, they secretly stole a few live chickens and chicken meat.

In the end, they died because of this.

This made Xu Nan feel a little unhappy.

It was as though he just fought a battle of wits and valor against thin air.

However, this incident caused him to remember a very important point.

The Puluo World didn't have any concept of germs or viruses.

Although the Alter World had cases of plague and even a god of curse and plagues, it seemed like their germs and viruses were not that strong.

After all, the Puluo World didn't have the antibiotics to fight against them, which in turn, didn't allow them to slowly develop immunity.

Unless the gods appeared, in the aspect of biological weapons, the Puluo World was far inferior to Earth.

Leaving aside government departments who specially manufactured biological weapons, just tossing the variola virus or anthrax over would be sufficient to destroy many of their cities!

Naturally, Xu Nan had no way to confirm whether the main forces of this invasion—the creatures from the heavenly divine kingdom and monsters from the abyss and hell—would be able to endure the strength of these malevolent viruses.

In any case, the creatures of the subterranean world in the Puluo World had been completely annihilated by just an avian flu virus.

If things didn't work out, didn't we have H.I.V, gonorrhea, and syphilis?

It was like the door to a new world had opened up in Xu Nan's mind.

During these few days, the communication between him and Kaiser didn't stop. Xu Nan understood that Kaiser would soon face a very difficult battle.

Should he send some germs or viruses over to Kaiser to test the effect?

Xu Nan hesitated but eventually decided to give up.

There were two main reasons why he shouldn't do this. First, it was human nature. He couldn't just casually send biological weapons and put them to use in the Alter World.

He could fantasize about it, and he also didn't mind using it on the invaders. But if the germs and viruses were used to harm those innocent ordinary people, Xu Nan truly didn't have it in him to be so cold-blooded.

The second reason was more macroscopic

Even Xu Nan realized that the germs and viruses here might deal incalculable damage to creatures of the Alter World. What about the government? Maybe those in the upper echelons had also noticed this point and were simply concealing it for now so it could be used as a trump card if a war happened.

If his reckless move alerted the enemies there, causing the gods of the Puluo World to take precautions, he might very well become the sinner of his entire world.


Gu Xiaomeng was busy for half-a-day and finally managed to remove the majority of negative effects that the avian flu-infected kobolds might have caused.

Xu Nan felt somewhat thankful. He used his identity as the underground city lord to personally treat her to... green-skinned crayfish!

Gu Xiaomeng didn't stand on ceremony either. However, she was here this time because she had a request and needed Xu Nan's help.

According to what she said, the apartment she had been staying in had signs of being haunted during these two days!

To this, Xu Nan felt very astonished. "Haunted by ghosts? What about your goddess?"

Gu Xiaomeng's complexion dimmed. "Ever since I failed to seduce you back then, she stopped replying to my prayers. I might have been abandoned. The number of divine spells I can cast per day has also been reduced unceasingly."

She stared at Xu Nan with some bitter resentment in her eyes.

This gaze of hers caused Xu Nan to feel a little uncomfortable. He could only grit his teeth and promise to help her.

In any case, he was someone who inherited a portion of the necromancy warlock's bloodline!

Gu Xiaomeng had helped him to settle the avian flu incident. He should do something to express his thanks.


The next day, in the #305 classroom, just when Xu Nan wanted to give out a test paper, Zhang Yue led a young woman and walked into the classroom.

"Sorry for the disturbance, there's a new transfer student. Everyone, please get to know her."

Zhang Yue expressionlessly introduced a female student.

Xu Nan glanced at the detached and unique gaze of this student, as well as her black-white dual-color dressing sense, suddenly feeling happy. Wasn't she the senior school sister Jiang Yuanci who had myopia of negative 800 degrees?

Her background wasn't small. She could actually join the training camp of the Thousand Awn Agency after it already started.

Jiang Yuanci seemingly sensed Xu Nan's gaze. She winked at him, and Xu Nan smiled as a reply.

"You can go and find a seat."

Zhang Yue spoke to her after his introduction.

Many guy students inclined their heads. Jiang Yuanci's outer appearance could be considered pretty. Who didn't wish for a great beauty like her to sit beside them?

Even if nothing else happened, she could still be an eye-candy.

Sadly, after Jiang Yuanci considered for a while, she directly walked to Xu Nan's side. Her tone was very calm. "I want to sit here."

The expressions of all the students turned sluggish.

Xu Nan thought about it before reminding in a low voice.

"This place is the rostrum."

"You didn't wear...your glasses again?"
