Even a pretty boy has to be confident and righteous

well, this posturing is quite impressive. Give yourself a score ... I'll just barely pass." A certain someone said humbly.

Reviewing was something that was quite meaningful no matter what game it was.

As for the last page of the war illustrated guide, MHM, when Xu Nan just opened it, strange moans and colored images came from it. He directly closed it!

According to the note, it was said that in the long war, soldiers were prone to mental stress, and the small movies stored on the last page were used to relieve everyone's fatigue ... Toward this, Xu Nan only wanted to silently raise his middle finger.

It was just that the production level of the other world wasn't high. Otherwise, this group of Ron warlocks might have already been selling porn everywhere.

"After all, I've experienced the baptism of the teachers on a sunken Island on earth. You want to help me relieve my fatigue with this level of images? Hehe, it doesn't exist. I won't look at it. "