What a coincidence, I also know a Caesar!

As the fourth Princess of the eastern Kingdom, Evelynn was a Princess. Obviously, Caesar should not have appeared in the transport fleet.

According to the information from most of the people in the North, she should be in charge of the Icewind territory at this time, feeling a headache from the attack of the evil demon Army.

Only a few people knew that the princess of the Rhine Kingdom was in a good mood recently. The crisis of the Icewind territory was not as terrible as in the past, and the territory was thriving under the guidance of the advanced earth philosophy brought by long fengtuo.

A few days ago, she had contacted her teacher, who was a court mage, through magic and had secretly returned to the capital in the South.

Although she was not particularly satisfied with this trip to the king's city, Evelyn was still in a good mood.