I've caught a cold recently (1)

The astral sea.

In the depths of a strange stone stele forest, a pitiful girl nervously grabbed the sides of her jeans, like a lazy student who had been caught napping in class.

Beside her, there were many stone tablets and a Groundhog-like creature.

There was also a majestic man wearing a tall golden crown.

"You're in prison, yet you still want to tip me off. Aren't you afraid that I'll kill you?"

The man looked at the girl with a blank expression.

The young girl nervously clutched her pants, and in the next second, she simply burst into tears.

The groundhog and the dignified man were dumbfounded.

"Alright, alright, stop crying. I won't kill you."

Fernando waved his hand helplessly.

Qin Lele's expression instantly changed. She wiped away her tears and sincerely bowed to express her thanks.

"You're a really good person!"

"It's completely different from what Mason said!"

"You'll definitely be rewarded!"