I've caught a cold recently (2)

perhaps you think that all of this is just my own assumptions, but I have my own divination skills. This time, the ice throne's prophecy has truly been used by me!

Qin Lele's eyes were in a daze. It was obvious that what Fernando had said had exceeded the limits of her intelligence ...

She could only nod in agreement like a chick pecking at rice.

After a long while, she asked carefully, ""Since you won't kill me, when will you let me go?"

"I really have nothing to do with Mason. I was completely tricked by him ..."

me too! a Jin raised his hand. if your divine city needs a mythical beast to guard the wealth, I would be the best candidate!

Fernando looked at the two of them and shook his head.

"Now that Golden City has been sealed off and Mason is missing, I can't let you two go as you are the last clue to Golden City."

Qin Lele and ah-Jin were both dejected.