Xu youluo with double standards (1)

Strictly speaking, a devil that had been stripped of the origin contract was just an ordinary creature.

The high risk of eating demons was mainly due to the vengeful demons 'crazy revenge afterward.

However, given Xu Nan's background as a foodie, he naturally didn't fear anything.

He even dared to eat cromers, not to mention these harmless little devils.

These few days, Liu Huo had just told him that the people of the Icefield had been complaining about the menu.

Xu Nan thought about it carefully and agreed. He himself lived in the city Lord's residence and enjoyed a feast, while the people of the ice Plains under him could only eat the old bread and a small amount of dried meat from cyberlon's Manor. He was truly a little pitiful.

The lack of protein in meat would also affect the efficiency of the miners. But in the northern continent, where would Xu Nan find meat for them to eat?