Do you want to urinate and defecate anywhere you want?

It was ridiculous to say that virgin boy's urine could break the contract of low-level demons.However, since Augustus made such a solemn vow, Xu Nan still believed him. After all, Augustus was a master of devil breeding.

However, to be on the safe side, he still bought a blasphemy charm from Augustus at a high price.

Strictly speaking, the urine of a 18-year-old child could not completely replace the second plan. Its effect was only a lower-level substitute version of the blasphemy charm.

Hence, Xu Nan even specially learned some of the ritual for repairing low-level contracts from Augustus.

Augustus's mood wasn't too bad. He might as well gift Xu Nan two bloodline fruits, giving Xu Nan a chance to complete the mission quickly.

After obtaining the information on the devil that was causing trouble for the ratmen tribe, as well as the system to deal with it, Xu Nan naturally wouldn't stay in the ancient castle for long.