388 The Super-Time Beyond the Number Field

The serious Wind God.

Was smiling.

In the awed and dumbstruck presence of Li Zheng and Lin Yujing, he occasionally flashed a knowing smile, then immersed himself in the next phase of thought.

He turned around a few times, wanting to share his joy, but seeing their expressions, he reluctantly kept it to himself and continued his calculations.

This process was very much like Li Zheng wanting to share the beauty of solving a problem with Liu Xin.

Li Zheng had witnessed many explosive displays of Academic Power and had dealt with some geniuses who thought very highly of themselves.

But at this moment, he was still intimidated.

He had galloped through the years, and his friends in the circle flattered him by calling him God Zheng.

If it was his Physics friends who called him that, he could accept it.

If his Chemistry friends did, he could also accept it.

He even brusquely accepted the accolades from Biology and Computer Science.