387 Study! Confirm!

This night was destined to be sleepless.

When researchers are bursting with inspiration, no one can stop them from burning with life.

If some things are supposed to be done only by the hand of God, then this evening was the moment when the hand of God descended.

In their intense discussions, Li Zheng didn't even deliberately lead, but simply followed the branches of the theory in his search, and the research path naturally emerged from the fog.

In the three major scientific cards previously discussed, high-temperature superconductivity belongs to the experimental field, which can always inspire through the purchase of scholastic wealth.

In the field of superconductivity, the meaning of "high temperature" differs from everyday life, even -50°C could be considered high temperature.

Even just two or three years ago, achieving superconductivity at a "high" temperature of -50°C would have been enough to make the front page of "Nature."