Undercurrent: The Demon Race Law Gods!

"Elder Ipha, should we pursue them?" asked one of the demon chrysalis tamers through gritted teeth.

In the space of one night, the Edusa Clan had had its pride, the Ten Thousand Buddha Radiance, slain by Xia Fei, and then its three sons had also died gruesome deaths at Xia Fei's hands.

This was like dropping straight from heaven to hell! Without these prized chrysalises, the Edusa Clan's foundation was badly wounded. It was among the three great clans of the Demon Race, on par with the Kerrys and the Darkpearls, but now, it would probably be the weakest of the three.

The Edusa demon chrysalis tamers were indignant! They wanted no more than to flay Xia Fei and Little Goldie alive!

However, that elder, Law Sage Ipha, appeared not to hear what his subordinates were saying. His eyes erupted with bright lights, staring so hard at Little Goldie that his eyeballs almost fell out.