Soul Device!

Law God Mirata heartily laughed, saying, "Assemble the clan's guards! I want to take a personal look at this bizarre golden demon chrysalis you speak of!"

Demon chrysalis tamer Ipha was startled, asking with a frown, "Shouldn't we inform the patriarch? Mobilizing the clan's guards without permission is a great taboo."

Mirata's face turned dark, and he asked in a sinister tone, "The patriarch? Again with the patriarch! Do my words hold no weight around here?!"


Ipha immediately broke out in a cold sweat and hurriedly shook his head to deny this. Everyone in the clan knew that, while Mirata had a Law God's cultivation, he lacked a Law God's composure, and his mood could flip faster than one could flip a page! Everyone only expressed obedience to him on the surface, but nobody actually liked him deep down.