Chapter 7: Health Bar Appeared

In the blink of an eye, the carbon arrow struck its target.

Even though it was an arrow with a practice tip, the arrow still managed to pierce deeply into the soft flesh of the monster's mouth.

Tssst, tssst…

The monster struck by the arrow hollered as a viscous substance mixed with blood and water spurted out of its mouth.

At the same time, a virtual health bar appeared above the monster's head.

With one strike of An Wen's arrow, one-third of its maximum health was lost.

"Eh? The health bar appeared and yet you are not dead?"

An Wen's eyes lit up when he saw the virtual health bar above the head of the monster.

Initially slightly nervous and fearful, his mood quickly reversed as he grew excited.

The monster dared to show its health bar?

Such was equivalent to seeking its own death.



An Wen shot two consecutive arrows and emptied the monster's health bar in an instant.


The monster exploded the instant its health bar was emptied.

A mixture of blood, flesh, and a viscous substance splattered in all directions.

Fortunately for An Wen, he was standing a good distance away; if he was standing any closer, the substances would have splashed onto his clothes.

How disgusting!

An Wen pursed his lips as he grew slightly nauseous.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh…

Following the first monster's defeat, An Wen increased his shooting speed – since he was so close to the target, there was no possible way for him to miss his shots.

Besides, as long as the arrow struck the monster, it would lose one-third of its maximum health, regardless of whether the arrow struck its mouth or skin.

As such, there was no need for An Wen to strive for accuracy; aiming for speed was sufficient.

One minute later, only one of the five monsters remained.

An Wen put down the recurve bow in his hand. He turned around and headed back into his wooden house, then retrieved a 3-centimeter-long iron nail.

"I'll use you for an experiment, it's not too much to ask for, is it?"

Walking to a position 2 meters away from the monster, An Wen aimed and tossed out the iron nail.


The iron nail hit the monster but rebounded off the monster's skin.

However, even so, the monster still lost one-third of its maximum health.

"Is there no minimum attack power? That shouldn't be the case."

An Wen frowned when he saw the monster losing some of its health.

Even though it was a game world, the fighting mechanics just didn't add up.

It was no longer a problem due to a bug in the game, but rather the programmers who coded it.

After all of the monster's companions had been killed and it had also lost a third of its health, the monster still remained on the edge of the effective area of the fire pit. It continued roaring, with completely no intention of leaving.

An Wen squatted down and stared at the monster as he pondered for a short moment. Then, he turned and walked back to his wooden house once again.

This time, he retrieved a stick.

He wrapped an electrical glove on one end of the stick and prodded the monster with it.

The monster did not lose any health this time.

An Wen did not move the stick away, but continued plunging the stick deeper into the monster with greater strength.

The skin of the monster began to dent inwards at an observable speed, and very soon, a crater was formed from the pressure exerted by the stick.

The amount of force used was already much stronger than that of the iron nail he previously used.

Despite that, the monster still did not lose any of its health.

"Is this how it works?"

An Wen pondered with the stick in his hand.

After some time, An Wen picked up the stick again. He lifted the stick above his head, then swung it downwards at the monster with force.

However, just as the stick was 10 centimeters away from the monster, An Wen no longer exerted any force, and the stick lightly landed on the monster's body.

Moments later, another one-third of the monster's maximum health was lost from the health bar.

"The attack logic has been confirmed…"

An Wen muttered to himself, slightly bewildered by what had just occurred.

It was the disadvantage of not having a newcomer's guide and requiring the player to guess all the mechanisms.

Directly in front of An Wen, the monster was left with one-third of its maximum health. An Wen could no longer use the monster for attack experiments.

Especially for such close-ranged attack experiments, he could end up being drenched by a combination of viscous substance, blood, and flesh.

He suddenly threw the stick in his hand to the ground.

An Wen then returned home and retrieved a firefighting rope.

It was the kind of safety rope that was used for people to descend quickly from a high-rise building, to escape in the event of a fire.

He tied a loop with the rope and threw it beside the monster.

Then, An Wen started walking towards the left, along the inner edge of the effective area.

The monster instantly noticed An Wen moving, and it quickly followed suit.

It stepped into the loop!

An Wen tugged the rope forcefully and it tightened around the monster, squeezing it into two segments, like a sausage.

The monster looked as if it was about to be sliced into two.

However, there were no changes to the monster's health, and it had one-third of its maximum health remaining.

"It seems like my judgment is correct."

An Wen turned extremely happy, seeing that the monster did not die.

It meant that his judgment was correct – trapping the monster in such a way was not considered an attack, so the monster would not lose any of its health.

Holding onto the rope, An Wen continued walking in circles, along the inner edge of the effective area.

The monster then wriggled along as it chased after An Wen.

Even though the monster was trapped by the rope, the monster's movement remained unaffected.

It appeared as if An Wen was walking the monster like a pet.

"Here, to the left, draw a dragon with me…"

An Wen sang as he walked along in an exaggerated manner.

The crooked trails that the monster made as it wriggled through the snow on the ground looked quite similar to a dragon.

On a secluded island, nighttime, heavy snow, monsters…

When one linked the four entities together, the first scenario that one would think of would certainly be that of a horror scene.

In reality, however, An Wen playfully changed the scene in such a horrifying environment into that of a dance floor.

"On the right, let's draw a rainbow…"

An Wen walked in two loops around the fire pit.

What was anxiety?

What was fear?

The worries he felt previously had all disappeared completely.

If not for the fact that the monster's face was full of teeth, or that it opened its mouth to bite occasionally, An Wen would have wanted to bring it home to keep as a pet.

"It's the last monster left, and it only has one drop of blood left. There aren't many experiments I can perform with it."

An Wen had enough fun 'playing' with the monster. He hooked the other end of the rope over the stick, then used the door of the wooden house to keep the stick in place.

Although the monster had no intention of leaving, it could still decide to run away later on.

According to An Wen's past experiences, monsters were not present during the day on the island. Was it because the monsters could not be exposed to light?

Even though he could not use the monster to experiment, he could still use it to test the reaction of monsters in the sunlight.

If the sun rose and the monster attempted to escape or suffered damage, many questions could be resolved.

"It's only 11 o'clock. Based on yesterday's video footage, the sun won't rise until 2 p.m. I should head back home to wait."

After looking at the time, An Wen decided to return home.

Although he was within the effective area of the fire pit, the temperature within the wooden house was still 15 degrees below freezing.

Such a low temperature was still largely unbearable to An Wen.

"I'll be back to visit you later, bye!"

An Wen waved his hand and vanished.

Upon returning home, An Wen did not proceed to play games. He still wanted to perform a new experiment.

An Wen made his way to the underground garage.

He sat inside his BMW pickup truck and held the steering wheel with both hands. Then, he made his way to the other world once again.


The BMW pickup truck vanished together with An Wen.

Beside the fire pit, a BMW pickup truck suddenly appeared.

An Wen sat inside the truck and gazed at the monster in front which was still roaring. He was exhilarated.


An Wen clenched his fists in excitement as he almost jumped in joy.

Previously, when he brought the various types of tools to the other world, he thought about the idea of bringing cars or even larger objects with him.

However, as things turned out in a haste, he already built a wooden house before he could perform such an experiment. Subsequently, he became frightened and returned home when he realized that there was danger in the other world. Afterwhich, the monsters attacked his wooden house.

He did not have time to perform the experiment beforehand, and now was his first chance to do so.

However, the outcome of his experiment was perfect.

Not only was he able to bring along various tools with him when he traveled to the other world, he could also bring vehicles.

"If only I had a tank."

An Wen wished subconsciously.

Then, his thoughts began to wander more and more wildly. He instantly thought of the possibility of 'Press F to enter the tank'.

Next, he thought of a horrifying scene.

Shuddering, An Wen quickly dismissed the thought from his mind.

It was just too scary!