Chapter 8: I Have Three Requests

On a congested road in Shanghai,

An Wen was listening to touching music as he drove his BMW pickup truck on the road.

Even though the road was extremely congested, An Wen was not anxious at all.

His spirits were high as he rolled down the road.

It was the first time since he discovered that he had the ability to travel to the other world that his spirits were so high.

An Wen was an ordinary person with no extraordinary talents, and his only strength was his strong practical skills, which allowed him to make certain small items by himself.

However, such skills were not of much help to him in terms of exploring and developing the other world.

Additionally, his own nature would simply not allow him to act daringly or recklessly.

Previously, with the rate at which he explored the other world, he might not even finish discovering the entire island in his lifetime.

Now, however, things were different.

Being able to bring large-scale equipment with him when he travelled to the other world, he would be able to gain massive support from the great inventions of mankind.

Whenever he encountered difficulties in the other world, it was certainly possible for him to find a solution on Earth.

What if the monsters were too powerful and he could not defeat them?

He could use bombs.


The monsters could not be killed with the bombs?

It was impossible; it simply meant that too few bombs were used.

As long as sufficient bombs were used, anything was possible, even if he had to bomb the entire planet.

At the current juncture, An Wen was simply reeking with confidence.

Well, it could not be helped, for he wielded the extraordinary power of money.

Even though his 'extraordinary power of money' was not as powerful as that of the richest and wealthiest, the power he wielded was not considered weak. He could still afford ordinary items.

Moreover, with another world as his resource factory, it was very easy for him to earn money.

More than half an hour later, An Wen arrived at a company which specialized in selling steel-framed, prefabricated modular building units.

As wild as the construction industry could be at times, all of the construction companies dared to deliver the same promise: if you paid sufficient money, anything was possible.

In other countries, the engineering and construction speed was based on the efficiency of the engineering company.

However, locally, the engineering and construction speed was based on how fast one made payment and the amount that the customer was able to pay.

As long as the amount was sufficient, constructing a lift in the Himalayan mountains would not even be a problem.

The main reason why An Wen visited the company was to purchase a temporary house.

He would receive Production Points when he built houses in the game world.

Although he still wasn't sure about the purpose of Production Points, he still knew they were certainly very important.

However, it was surely out of the question for An Wen to be building houses in the other world everyday just as the construction workers do.

When An Wen built the last wooden house, he was filled with interest and excitement, and he also wanted to find out what would happen after he finished.

If he had to do the same thing every day in the game world, An Wen would rather give up.

As such, An Wen thought of a solution; he would purchase temporary houses and install them in the other world.

"Welcome Sir, how may I help you?"

The front desk receptionist went forward to welcome An Wen with smiles the moment he walked into the company.

"Yes, does your company sell small-scale temporary modular units?" An Wen asked.

The receptionist replied in an instant, "We do. Our company sells many different types of temporary module units, including warehouses, houses, and factories. You may find out more inside and our sales manager will explain the details to you."

An Wen nodded his head and was ushered to the customer reception room.

The receptionist then continued, "May I know how I should address you?"

"Just call me Mr. An." An Wen replied.

"Alright, Mr. An, would you like any drinks? Black tea, green tea, herbal tea, chrysanthemum tea, coffee, soft drinks, or fruit juice?" 

"A bottle of mineral water would do."

"Alright, please hold on, Mr. An." The receptionist replied once again in a speedy fashion.

The receptionist then walked out of the customer reception room and casually closed the glass door behind him.

Within two minutes, a female sales manager, whose looks and figure scored 80 points, walked into the room. 

She then politely greeted, "Hello Mr. An, I am Yuan Rui, the sales manager of the company. You may just call me Xiao Yuan. The receptionist said that you would like to purchase a temporary modular unit, may I know what type of modular units are you looking for?"

"Warehouse or factory units. I'm actually looking for a small-scale workshop unit. Anything would do as long as it can be built according to a few equipment requirements."

Upon listening to An Wen's reply, Manager Yuan took a seat on the stool, directly to the right of An Wen. She quickly laid out a few catalogues of product images on the table, picked one out, and flipped it open.

She then leaned closer to An Wen and began explaining, "Mr. An, our company has three types of temporary modular units which match what you are looking for. One of them is an all-in-one temporary modular factory unit, the second is a steel-framed factory unit, and the last option is a moisture-resistant and temperature-stable warehouse unit."

She continued, "The second and third options can be remodelled slightly according to your requirements, and they would certainly be able to meet your requirements. You may take a look at these models first and then let me know which type you prefer."

Manager Yuan flipped through the product catalogue as she explained. As she was sitting very close to An Wen, the strong scent of her perfume wafted into his nose.

An Wen rubbed his nose as he felt slightly uncomfortable.

It was not that he was allergic to perfume, but he simply did not like the overwhelming scent of strong perfumes. 

"Cough, cough... Mmm, sorry, I am slightly allergic to perfume, I will take a look at the catalogue and ask you if I have any questions." An Wen answered somewhat apologetically as he took the catalogue from the sales manager.

"Alright, sorry for the inconvenience." Manager Yuan said in reply.

Her face froze momentarily but she quickly returned to her senses. She then smiled as she stood up and took a seat on the stool which was farthest away from An Wen.

An Wen flipped through the product catalogue as he scanned the various images of the different types of temporary modular units.

In all honesty, it wasn't worth it to seek exquisite perfection in temporary modular units.

However, the images of the temporary modular units in the product catalogue were simply too unsightly.

Even the descriptions written beside the product images were about the types of materials used, about how sturdy, environmentally-friendly, and durable the materials were, as well as how easy it was to dismantle and assemble the units.

An Wen was not at all interested in the product descriptions.

"Does your company accept customizations?"

An Wen asked casually as he placed the catalogue on the table.

"Customizations? Do you mean that you have special requirements which these temporary modular units are unable to fulfil?" Manager Yuan asked as she was slightly bewildered by An Wen's words.

Indeed, there were many people who purchased temporary modular units, but she had never encountered anyone who wanted to customize one.

Such modular units were meant for temporary use, so most people would simply make do with them as they came. Who would even think of customizing them?

If one had the money to customize a temporary modular unit, the money would be better used to engage a construction team to build an entire building on-site instead.

To answer the manager's unspoken questions, An Wen replied, "No, it's just that these temporary modular units are too ugly. Moreover, the temporary modular units which are built using aluminium-clad steel materials do not meet my requirements."

"... Well, may I know the requirements you are looking for, Mr. An?" Manager Yuan asked.

She was slightly at a loss for words when she heard An Wen's reply.

An Wen said, "Firstly, it has to be sturdy - extremely sturdy. The exterior walls should be replaced with steel panels while ensuring that the walls can bear the weight."

"Secondly, the unit has to be insulated. The temperature inside the room should not fluctuate too greatly when the temperatures outside varies between -45 and 40 degrees Celsius."

"Thirdly, it has to be aesthetic. It should not have these edges and corners, and instead should make use of more curves and arcs. It should have a sense of modernity and technology."

Upon hearing An Wen's three requirements, Manager Yuan was left speechless.

Completely speechless.

If not for the 800-thousand-yuan watch around An Wen's wrist, she would have called security.

With such requirements, why was he buying a temporary modular unit?