Chapter 17: Try It and You Will Die

An Wen was munching on a steam bun as he drove toward Jiangwan City.

The call from his tenant added one more item to the list of troublesome matters he needed to deal with.

Although it was not a serious matter, it was still troublesome enough to make An Wen extremely unhappy.

When he was in university, what he found the most annoying was when his teachers called him out specifically to answer questions in class.

After he graduated, what he found most annoying was when his tenants would look for him.

Many people would look towards how great their life would be, if they had ten houses and could make a livelihood out of collecting rent every month.

However, in reality, when one was able to acquire ten houses, one would find that renting houses was an extremely troublesome matter.

Those who could afford ten houses would honestly not be bothered by the small amount of money they collected each month from rent.

The rent for one house was about 10 to 20 thousand yuan, and the rent for ten houses would only amount to 100 to 200 thousand yuan. 

What could he do with such a small sum of money?

If not for the fact that he did not want the houses to remain empty and needed people to stay inside, An Wen would have been too lazy to rent them out.

On the other hand, it spelled trouble when certain tenants got themselves in trouble and he had to deal with the problem himself.

Take for example a past incident that An Wen dealt with.

There was one tenant who poisoned and killed someone else's dog.

It was an extremely exasperating matter.

The other person's dog did not bite the tenant and merely barked several times at night. Did he have to poison and kill the dog?

Later on, the judiciary system was involved and finally, the foolish tenant grew frightened.

What else could he do but settle the conflict in private and pay compensation?

However, how much money could an ordinary working adult, who had to pay for rent, food, and other expenditures, have to pay?

In the end, An Wen still had to return his deposit for him to make up the full compensation amount.

It was simply not worth the trouble.

From then on, An Wen would always carefully evaluate prospective tenants before renting out the house to them. Even if the house would be left empty, he would not rent out the house simply to anyone, for fear of similar foolish incidents happening again.

The reason why his tenant was looking for him that day was precisely for an issue regarding transferring tenancy.

Such was a troubling matter for An Wen.

After all, whenever a tenant opted to terminate the rental contract, An Wen would take his time to look for another tenant himself carefully.

However, the current situation was that the tenant wanted to leave before the rental period was over and even found someone else to transfer the tenancy to privately.

Very quickly, An Wen arrived in Jiangwan New City.

The house his family owned was located directly beside the Jiangwan Campus of Zhendan University.

At the time when his family purchased the house, An Wen had not yet entered university. Nevertheless, his grades certainly qualified him to enter Zhendan University.

As such, An Wen's mother purchased a house near each one of Zhendan University's campuses.

After all, An Wen had not entered university at that point in time and had yet to decide on a major, so it was not known which of the campuses he would be sent to.

At the ground level of the campus, An Wen saw his tenant.

He was waiting for An Wen at the bottom of the building.

"This isn't right. I already made it clear before we signed the contract that we can discuss the matter if you need to terminate the contract."

"However, you can't just transfer the tenancy to someone else in private. I already made this clear in the beginning, so why did you still proceed to find someone else to transfer the tenancy to privately?"

An Wen chastised the tenant the moment he stepped out of his car.

It would not be a problem even if the tenant had just requested his rent and deposit back, but by finding another tenant privately, would it not spell extra trouble?

"Brother An, don't be angry. I know that you find it troublesome, but I didn't have a choice either."

"My older cousin's colleague's daughter is studying in Zhendan University and wanted to rent a house nearby."

"Coincidentally, I need to travel overseas, which is why I brought her over. Don't worry, she is a good child and is not the kind to cause trouble."

"She studies at Zhendan University and receives scholarships every year. She's truly a top student."

The tenant smiled as he explained the situation to An Wen.

Upon listening to the tenant's explanation, An Wen rolled his eyes.

"Where is she? I need to meet her before making a decision; otherwise, there is no room for discussion," An Wen ordered.

He was not a fool who would simply believe what others said without any verification. At the very least, he had to meet the other party first, before there could be any discussion.

"Sure, she's upstairs," the tenant calmly replied.

"Let's go." 

Heading upstairs, the first thing An Wen saw when he entered the house was a young woman with a ponytail in a checkered shirt, who was reading a book quietly on the sofa.

When she heard the sound of An Wen and the tenant walking into the house, the young woman looked up.

Goodness gracious!

The moment An Wen saw the young woman, he was shocked by her 'purity'.

It was not the purity of the driven snow.

Instead, it was straight-up physical purity.

An Wen's five senses, in addition to his sixth sense that was being trained, were so extraordinary that they allowed him to feel what others could not. His senses lead him to believe that the mature-looking young woman in front was undoubtedly pure.

The clothes she wore were 'pure', she did not have any perfume on, and her face was not covered with makeup.

Moreover, she must be one who showered frequently—not just once a day, but multiple times—and the body wash she used must have also been out of the ordinary.

Such was because her skin was extremely light, but the skin around her neck was slightly dry. The scent of the body wash she used was also unnoticeable, and instead, there was a whiff of disinfectant.

"Xiao Xin, this is Brother An Wen, he is the landlord. It's all up to him whether you will be able to live here."

"This is Xie Yuxin, my older cousin's colleague's daughter. She's a top student at Fudan University, you may verify that easily by asking around."

"I'll leave you guys to talk, I'll be packing my stuff."

After the tenant finished introducing the two, he turned around and walked into the room.



They each exchanged greetings and shook hands, then sat down at the same time.

An Wen looked at Xie Yuxin with a slightly peculiar gaze.

Such was because he had heard the name before. As the tenant had mentioned, she was truly a top student and not just any ordinary one at that.

She got into Zhendan University when she was sixteen years old, completed her undergraduate studies in two-and-a-half years, and her postgraduate studies in one-and-a-half years. Having obtained both an undergraduate degree and a postgraduate degree at the School of Life Sciences at Zhendan University, it was possible that she was now studying for her doctorate at the Life Sciences Research Institute under the guidance of Academician Yang.

How did An Wen know all of this information?

Although she was younger than him, Xie Yuxin was technically considered his senior in school, as she got into the university earlier than him.

As an extraordinarily smart senior who looked extremely pretty and performed exceptionally well in school, there was barely anyone who was not aware of her existence.

"Junior An Wen, is there a problem with me?"

Xie Yuxin asked with a gentle smile when she saw An Wen's peculiar gaze.

"Hmm? Senior, do you know me?"

An Wen was slightly surprised. Was he that famous?

"Isn't it normal to ask around about the landlord before renting a house? Moreover, you are so well-known in school that it would be hard for me not to know who you are," Xie Yuxin replied.

"Eh... I was young and wild back then, please do not take my school years seriously," An Wen said with a serious tone.

He was slightly embarrassed when she mentioned his past school life.

After all, he was once at the age of an adolescent with the eighth-grader syndrome. He was rash and careless then, so... well, everyone should be able to understand.

"In that case... May I know about your requirements for renting the house?" Xie Yuxin smiled and asked.

"Mmm, since it is a senior who is renting the house, there isn't much for me to deliberate. The main reason why I usually picked my tenants carefully is because there were some people who had such absolutely 'amazing' brains that I cannot even imagine what ridiculous things they were capable of doing. When situations like that arise, it will mean massive trouble for me as well."

An Wen did not mind explaining his rationale to her. After all, with her level of knowledge and her qualities, she would certainly not do anything ridiculous of that sort.

With regard to why Xie Yuxin wanted to rent a house, it was her privacy and none of his business.

He was just someone who rented out houses to people, why did he need to know that much?

"Thank you for trusting me. However, I would like to turn one of the rooms into a simple experiment lab, would that be alright?" Xie Yuxin asked.

"An experiment lab?" 

When An Wen heard Xie Yuxin's questions, he frowned.

Although she was his schoolmate, wanting to turn the house into an experiment laboratory was slightly outrageous.

A life sciences laboratory dealt largely with bacteria and viruses, as well as various types of microorganisms. How could such experiments be carried out in the district?

"You must be mistaken, it's simply an experiment to observe lab rats. I only require an experiment lab for me to perform a minimally-invasive surgery on the lab rats, and there would not be any research done on viruses or any cultivation of bacteria. Such experiments cannot be performed outside anyway." Xie Yuxin quickly explained when she saw An Wen frowning.

"Well... Do not mind me asking, but why does a senior need to perform experiments outside of school? With your qualifications, it should be very easy for you to conduct them in school, no?" An Wen probed.

"It's mainly because I want to research a topic, but the entire lab is being used for a teacher's experiments. I do not want to wait until they are completed to begin mine, so I have no choice but to rent a house outside." Xie Yuxin explained.

"May I know what topic you want to research on? What kind of experiments will be conducted?" 

Xie Yuxin quickly replied, "The topic is on using BDNF proteins to heal nerve injuries. This is only my hypothesis and the possibility of success is not very high, but I still want to give it a try."

"As for how the experiment will be conducted, it is actually very simple. I only need to damage the nerve tissues in the lab rats through minimally-invasive surgery, and subsequently perform regenerative procedures on them."


Such a tragic fate awaited the lab rats.

An Wen swallowed a mouthful of saliva and was no longer worried about the experiment.

The specialized terms aside, the basis of the experiment was actually not much different from raising a pet that had been injured before.

Moreover, laboratory rats were cleaner than cats and dogs, and neither would they damage the house.

Besides, it would not have mattered even if she had not told him about wanting to conduct experiments in the house.

After all, was it not normal for a doctor in life sciences to raise several laboratory rats in their own home?

It was the same concept as a mechanic bringing a wrench wherever he went.

As such, after listening to her explanation, An Wen was no longer concerned.

It was then easier to proceed with subsequent matters.

An Wen returned one-and-a-half month's worth of rent and the deposit back to the original tenant, then signed a new contract with Xie Yuxin.

Although it was slightly troublesome, doing so was nonetheless more convenient than having to go through the trouble of finding someone to be responsible when unpleasant situations arose in the future.

Of course, An Wen also added an additional clause on the contract as insurance.

"The tenant shall be held fully responsible for all consequences of experiments conducted by the tenant, including, but not limited to: incidents relating to theft and robbery, and safety issues arising from force majeure (such as earthquakes or conflagration)."

In simple terms, the clause simply meant that the tenant had to be responsible if any situation occurred.

When Xie Yuxin was signing the contract, her gaze as she looked at An Wen had turned peculiar.

An Wen did not mind her looking, however, for he was not the least interested in this extraordinarily smart senior anyway.

To put it in context, a girl who studied life science could easily help her cheating boyfriend understand the power of microorganisms.

Similarly, a girl who studied medicine could easily help her cheating boyfriend understand what it would feel like to receive more than thirty minor cuts from a knife.

That senior, on the other hand, was a top student who majored in biomedicine and specialized in the brain, neurons, and biochemistry.

There was nothing much for one to understand if one cheated on her—the half of his body could well be left paralyzed after two days, with the cause of paralysis unable to be found.

How absolutely terrifying!

There was no need to even think about such, because... even attempting it would only end in one's own demise!