Chapter 18: Valley City Wall Completed

After settling the rental issues, An Wen went to the new house to take a look.

The renovation company had not started on the renovation yet, and the house was still bare and empty.

The only reason An Wen went to the new house was simply because he wanted to see what it looked like.

He was not the least concerned about the state or layout of the house, but was instead interested in seeing if there were any beneficial items that he could add to the new home.

However, after pondering for a long time, An Wen realized that he truly did not have much talent in renovation design.

"Forget it, I should return home to continue excavating the foundation and constructing buildings."

Along the way home in the afternoon, An Wen found a place to eat his lunch. He then traveled to the other world right away, making it on time.

He gazed upon the other world as the sun rose above the horizon and the snow melted.

He then got down to work.

First, he replaced the wooden planks that he had removed from the buildings the previous night, then filled the bathtub with water. After this, he started working out.

"I shall warm up with a slow, 10-kilometer jog."

An Wen made a 10-kilometer jog sound extremely easy to accomplish.

In reality, however, An Wen would still be extremely exhausted after running 10 kilometers, though his stamina was much better than before when he would be completely drained.

An Wen worked out until 5 p.m., then went home to order takeout. After this, he returned to the other world to take a bath.

After being under the sun for more than two hours, the water in the bathtub had turned warm, so it was just right for a relaxing bath.

After the bath, An Wen returned home to wait for his takeout to be delivered, then brought the takeout to the other world to eat.

An Wen built a dining room in the other world.

"Building: Exquisite Dining Room"

"Grade: Excellent"

"Attributes: Taste of Food +15%, Absorption of Nutrients +20%, Cleanliness and Hygiene +15%"

"Income: 1500 Survival Points / Hour"

The thought of building a dining hall had struck An Wen out of a sudden.

An Wen had not even imagined that the dining hall would end up with such attributes, after he moved all of the kitchenware from his house to the other world.

In that case, An Wen would eat every one of his meals in the other world in the future.

He also needed to replenish the nutrients in his body while working out every day.

Although he was young and his digestive organs were functioning well, it would still be beneficial to him if more nutrients were absorbed into his body.


After finishing the meal, An Wen burped in satisfaction.

He then leaned back on the sofa as he counted the number of Survival Points he had in glee.

His total income, per 12-hour day, from all of the buildings he had now, was 1.86 million Survival Points.

Over the past few days, he had already accumulated 6.47 million Survival Points, and so he would cross the 10 million mark in two days' time.

"Which of the skills should I light up and activate?"

An Wen began clicking around with his finger subconsciously as he deliberated over which skills he should light up and activate.

Currently, there were three skill trees which he could light up.

They were Wood Crafts, Human Body Enhancement, and Stone Material Crafts.

Stone Material Crafts was a skills tree that appeared after he built a stone processing plant, and it was fundamentally similar to the Wood Crafts skills tree.

The sole difference was that Stone Material Crafts did not have much potential for development with only one ultimate skill.

Furthermore, the ultimate skill was for sculpting ultra-large stone sculptures.

An example sculpture that he could carve would be the Leshan Giant Buddha statue.

The ultimate skill of the Stone Materials skills tree was precisely such a sculpting skill.

Although it was very powerful, An Wen did not fancy it.

He merely wanted to cut stone to sell for money; he did not require stone crafting skills to build stone houses, bridges, tall towers, and the like.

If he was able to build cement plants and steel mills in the future, and reinforced concrete crafting skills appeared, stone would be rendered useless.

After all, unlike wood, stone was a material set to be replaced.

As such, An Wen directly passed on stone crafting skills.

"Although human body enhancement skills are necessary, my body still needs to be trained. Even if I light up and activate the ultimate skill, my body would still be unable to fulfil its requirements anyway."

After pondering about the choice, An Wen decided to pass on the human body enhancement skills as well. He just did not need the enhancement urgently.

Consequently, only the wood crafting skills remained.

"There is no urgent need for Machine Megacity and Sacred War Beast, which leaves me with only one option - Ancient Flying Eagle."

At that juncture, An Wen did not hesitate any further.

He certainly could not activate Ancient Flying Eagle with the number of Survival Points he had currently, but there would surely not be a problem activating the machinery skills for him to make a wooden kite.

After some clicking, An Wen started slowly understanding the knowledge that was infused into his mind.

Twenty minutes passed.

An Wen finally shook himself out of his slight daze.

"This is essentially just information from the Mechanical Design Manufacturing and Automation major."

After receiving the knowledge from the skills which he lighted up and activated, An Wen realized that the skills were simply what was taught in modern-day universities. However, certain aspects were less advanced than what was taught in the modern-day, while certain aspects were more advanced.

Of which, the most impressive aspect of the machinery skills was how 'strength' was controlled and manipulated.

In an environment with neither electric machines, internal combustion engines, nor steam engines, the machinery relied solely on stored energy in mechanisms to operate, much like olden-day mechanical watches that had to be constantly wound.

Of course, apart from such trigger mechanisms that stored energy internally to operate, there were also mechanisms that relied on wind or water currents to move. These were all the machinery that were connected using gears, connecting rods, crankshafts, and other components.

However, most of them were large-scale machinery that could not be fitted on a wooden kite.

"Although this isn't an ancient machinery skill, I believe that our ancestors would certainly have had such capabilities. It is unfortunate that a great deal of their knowledge was not passed down."

Whether it was Mozi or Lu Ban, there were legends of both people building wooden kites.

Mozi worked on his wooden kite for three years, but in the end, it broke after flying for just half a day.

On the other hand, Lu Ban's wooden kite was legendary - it was said to be able to carry people and fly for several days.

Based on modern-day science, An Wen did not find it strange that a wooden kite could fly in the sky.

However, it would be an over-exaggeration to say that the wooden kite could fly for several days with people on it. At the very least, it would not have sufficient lift, and it was essentially impossible.

Having majored in the area, he was certainly qualified to make such an assertion.

Of course, An Wen was assuming that there were no extraordinary power sources in the ancient days, such as the Searl Effect Generator (SEG) that was extremely well-known overseas.

If there were actually such power sources in ancient times, it would certainly have been very simple for the intelligent ancestors to have made wooden kites which could ferry people through the sky.

Unfortunately, all of such was just a boast that could not possibly occur in reality.

No one would be so silly to believe that it was true.

If there were really perpetual machine machines which could even defy gravity, which country would not research such useful equipment?

Consequently, such objects should only be taken with a pinch of salt.

With the new knowledge he acquired, An Wen had the urge to build something.

However, when he saw the foundation at the opening of the valley, which was already more than a hundred meters long, An Wen sighed.

"Forget it, I should complete the defense system first and think about doing other things later."

With that, An Wen sat in the excavator, turned it on, and started excavating.

Based on his current speed, he would be able to finish digging the foundation at the opening of the valley after five days.

Meanwhile, the construction company had finished manufacturing more than 30 of the reinforced concrete beams An Wan ordered, but he had not transported them into the other world.

He estimated that by the time he finished excavating the foundation, half of the beams he ordered would have been delivered, and the remaining half of them would not require too much time to be completed either.

With regard to the prefabricated modular units, the factory and fitness center were almost ready, while the multi-function, mixed-use complex still required slightly more time to be completed. Nevertheless, the entire project would be completed within half a month.

"It seems like the time is tight."

An Wen muttered to himself as he operated the excavator, feeling slightly perplexed.

In a flash, a few hours passed.

An Wen stopped excavating the foundation for the time being, and proceeded with some woodworking. However, he was not making the components for the wooden kite, but instead for another type of mechanism - repeating crossbow beds and stone catapults.

After making three repeating crossbow beds, An Wen began packing up.

"It's time for a bath before I sleep. Yet another dull and mundane day has passed."

To An Wen, who had gotten used to idling around at home, such a fulfilling life seemed to be turning repetitive.

However, all of this was just an illusion, for he returned to being an idler whenever he was not busy.

On the second day...

An Wen did not have anything to do, so he rested at home the entire morning. Needless to say, he continued laboring in the other world in the afternoon.

On the third day...

An Wen went to the renovation company in the morning; they had dispatched workers and begun the renovation, so he had to have a look.

On the fourth day...

An Wen finished excavating the foundation at the opening of the valley, and the reinforced concrete beams started to be delivered as well. He began constructing the city wall.

On the fifth day...

The building components of the factory and fitness center were being delivered, but An Wen did not have the time to assemble them.

On the sixth day...

On the seventh day...

On the eighth day...

The tenth day arrived.

Apart from the multi-function, mixed-use complex, all of the other items had been delivered.

Starting from the fifth day, An Wen had to spend hours shifting the delivered items to the other world, and he used the remaining time to construct the city wall. He was tired as a dog.

Although it was extremely exhausting, the fruits of his labor were remarkable.

After five days of hard work, the city wall in the other world had been built.

The valley city wall was seven meters tall. The interior and exterior walls were one meter thick, and the passage in between was three meters wide.

The five-meter-thick and seven-meter-tall city walls were made up of 10,323 cubic meters of rock layered between 480 reinforced concrete beams. In addition, the external wall was covered with 2-centimeter-thick NM titanium alloy plates.

Now, the city wall was just missing one block of rock before it would be complete.

"I shall leave it like this for today and perform a final check tomorrow."

"Tomorrow night..."

"I'll counter the attack of the monsters..."

"I hope... I hope that my hard work will not go in vain..."

An Wen said solemnly as he stood atop the city wall, looking at the sun setting over the forest of trees outside the valley.