Chapter 24: Make Arrangements



In the archery range of the fitness center, An Wen released a sharp arrow.

The arrow landed within the '10 ring' of the target 50 meters away.


Raising his arms, An Wen released yet another arrow.

It also landed within the '10 ring' of the target, very close to the previous arrow.

However, An Wen was still dissatisfied and shook his head. He picked up another arrow.



The arrow An Wen released this time broke one of the arrows that was already on the target.

"That's more like it."

Seeing one of the arrows that was originally on the target being broken by another, An Wen was finally satisfied.

After all, the archery techniques he now possessed were well developed; if he was not even able to aim and hit the arrows that were already on the target, he would suspect that the skills were faulty.

After a few days of labor, the fitness center was fully complete. The building had received an 'outstanding' grade.

Although it did not achieve an 'epic' grade, its attributes were considered decent.

Nevertheless, An Wen still felt that it was quite a pity and slightly illogical.

Similar to the city wall, reinforced concrete was used to build the fitness center, and the fitness equipment, as well as facilities in it, were also the best on the market.

In theory, such a high level of technology should have made the fitness center an 'epic' building.

Unfortunately, the final result was still an 'outstanding' grade.

An Wen was extremely displeased with the results, but there was nothing he could do about it either. He was still unsure about the difference between an 'outstanding' and an 'epic' grade.

Even so, however, the 'outstanding' fitness center still granted An Wen massive benefits.

"Building: Multi-function Fitness Center"

"Grade: Outstanding"

"Attributes: Physique Enhancement Efficiency +65%, Physique Enhancement Limit +50%, Fatigue Reduction +50%, Internal Injury Reduction +55%, Muscle Memory Effectiveness +60%"

"Special Effect: Human Body Enhancement List Activated, Hunting Skills List Activated"

"Income: 350,000 Survival Points / Hour"

Apart from the doubling of the Physique Enhancement Efficiency and Physique Enhancement Limit, the fitness center also activated the Hunting Skills skill tree.

The Hunting Skills skill tree, like the other skill trees, was categorized into three main categories.

Weapon Control, Unarmed Attack, and Survival Challenge.

Of the three categories, An Wen was the most satisfied with the Weapon Control skill tree.

Skills corresponding to any type of cold weapons could be found within the skill tree, including sabers, spears, swords, halberds, axes, battle axes, hook swords, and forks.

An Wen did not have any other cold weapons other than the bow and arrow, so he only lit up and activated the archery skills.

Precise Shots, Rapid Shooting Speed, Charge Shots, Long-Range Precision, Continuous Shots - those were the various archery skills that An Wen had lit up and activated currently.

As for other more powerful archery skills, such as the Meteor Shower Archery Skill and the Nine Shots Archery Skill…

Even though An Wen had sufficient Survival Points to activate them, he could not do so.

The strength of his body did not yet meet the criteria for such, forcing him to ignore the skills in envy.

"With my current archery skills, I would probably be able to win the gold medal easily in the Olympics."

An Wen thought in delight.

However, he would certainly not take part in the Olympics anyway.

After all, he had obtained his archery skills through 'illegitimate' means, while the other sportsmen acquired theirs through practice and hard work.

If he took part in the Olympics, it would be extremely unfair to the other competitors.

He was not in need of money anyway, and neither was any additional glory of much significance to him, although it would have been fun.

On the other hand, to the sportsmen who trained hard from a young age, both glory and money were very important.

The glory was an affirmation of their numerous years of hard work, while money was a necessity for them to live after they retire from the sporting scene. After all, while sportsmen basked in glory during their prime, they also suffered many internal injuries.

Worst of all, there were sportsmen who ended up being unable to participate in competitions due to their illnesses, despite training for so many years. They struggled to rise to fame, and yet they still had to seek treatment for their illnesses, while their future career path had to be reconsidered.

No one's life was easy.

In such a day and age, there were no shortcuts in life, other than rebirth and 'cheating'.

As such, the archery skills that An Wen acquired by 'cheating' could be used to boast in front of his friends, but certainly not to shatter others' rice bowls.

After practicing shooting arrows and building up the corresponding muscle memory for some time, An Wen went out to swim.

In such weather, swimming in the sea would be cool and refreshing.

However, An Wen did not know of the monsters that existed in the sea, so he did not swim there. Instead, he made a swimming pool within the fitness center.

"Although there are very few swimming skills, they are still pretty decent. I shall light them up."

In the Hunting Skills skill tree, swimming was not a separate branch of skills on its own. It was instead part of the supplementary skills under the Survival Challenge category of skills.

"Underwater Ambush, Silent Water Strokes, Underwater Breath Holding, Charging Through Water, Speed Paddling Against Waves."

Those were the few skills related to swimming or underwater diving. An Wen lit them all up at once.

Well, with so many Survival Points, he could do whatever he desired.


An Wen leaped into the water and sunk directly to the bottom of the pool.

If it were before, An Wen would wait until he sunk downwards and his feet reached the bottom of the pool before he would propel himself out of the water, kicking forcefully against the floor with his feet.

However, now that he had acquired proficient skills, An Wen could traverse through the water as if he was on land.

There would no longer be any situations when his brain thought to do one thing but his body did another, making his movement distorted.

In the pool, An Wen was facing towards the bottom. With a slight movement of his hands, the shape of his body in the water was slightly altered, making his body float on top of the water.

Then, An Wen moved both of his legs, as if he was walking ordinarily on land.

He then started walking in the water, moving forward while being upside down. What a weird sight to behold!

With a twist of his body, An Wen's head emerged above the water.

After inhaling a breath of fresh air, An Wen dived in once again.

This time, he swam swiftly through the water like a fish, twisting and turning his body to propel himself forward.

"Inhale… This is so satisfying!"

An Wen exclaimed loudly to himself as he floated above the water surface.

It was an extremely satisfying feeling – could his 'swimming' in the past actually be called swimming?

No, it was merely flopping around blindly in the water! It was what he was currently experiencing that was truly swimming.

After fooling around in the swimming pool for more than half an hour, An Wen finally got out and sat on a deck chair, drinking a cup of fruit juice.

"The other world is great in almost all aspects; it just lacks the crowd."

An Wen thought to himself, "It would have been absolutely wonderful if there were a few girls accompanying me while I glide through the pool, and they could all play in the swimming pool together."

"Eh… Why must I restrict myself to swimming here then? I can't bring girls here, but I can still play outside."

At that thought, An Wen grew slightly excited.

As a young man who was in his twenties, he was full of energy and vigor.

It was close to a month and yet he had not had any 'refreshing' experiences. Who would be able to bear that?

Just do it!

"I've already soaked in the water for quite some time now, I shouldn't take a bath today."

Finding an excuse for himself, he wiped himself dry and returned home.

Changing into another set of clothes, An Wen got in his Aston Martin and drove off from home.

His destination, a five-star hotel.

Along the way, An Wen took the opportunity when he was waiting for the traffic lights to turn green to open WeChat on his mobile phone.

He then found a WeChat contact named 'Little Expert in Relieving Worries'.

"Make arrangements."

An Wen said, seemingly without any other context.

Very quickly, the person on the other end of the line replied, "Boss, the usual?"

An Wen was about to reply 'Yes', but he thought about it and felt that 'the usual' would be slightly restricting for him, now that his physique had improved drastically.

"Double the number of people." An Wen said.

"Sure, Boss. Please hold on, I'll make an inquiry."