Chapter 25: Interview and Self-introduction

Arriving at the hotel, An Wen checked into his room. As he checked in, his connection on WeChat replied.

Pictures of six beautiful girls appeared on An Wen's phone.

Below the images, there was also various data about the girls, much like the character cards in games.

However, the data that came along with the images was much more detailed than that of character cards.

Apart from their heights and weights, there was also a range of other detailed information, including their voice types, hobbies, strengths, talents, and personalities.

Most importantly, attached below the images were hospital examination reports that had only been done three days prior.

An Wen looked through descriptions and was thoroughly satisfied.

"Alright, they will do."

"Okay, Boss. Please send me the address."

An Wen sent the address of the hotel and his room number over.

All he could do now was to wait.

While waiting, he took the opportunity to play games on his mobile phone.

He could both play games as he wished and meet beautiful girls as he desired, so he was extremely delighted.

After approximately an hour…

It was past 10 p.m. when there was a knock on the hotel room door.

An Wen opened the door to see six pretty and beautiful young ladies standing outside.

"Come on in."

"Thank you, Boss."

The six young ladies were all dressed up uniquely, all of which arriving at the same time to meet prior to meeting An Wen.

Thereafter, a driver sent them together to An Wen's location. Along the way, a crew also did their make-up, styling, and coordinated their outfits.

Their service was expensive – they considered even the finest details and were sure to please their client.

As for how the girls looked and how their figures appeared…

Well, they were comparable to the top influencers on TikTok. Indeed, some of them also 'worked' part-time on TikTok.

By the time An Wen closed the room door and returned to the living room, the six young ladies had already arranged themselves in one line.

"Ms. Secretary, bring them into the meeting room, I want to interview them personally."

An Wen said to one of the young ladies who was dressed like an OL (office lady).

"Yes, Boss. I'll bring them over now."

The young lady's response was quick and she cooperated well with An Wen. The moment he finished his sentence, she immediately took a bow and replied.

"Mmm." An Wen said faintly with a slight nod.

The six young ladies walked towards the meeting room.

It was not a surprise that the hotel room had a meeting room – An Wen was in the presidential suite, which even came along with a gym, a bar, and a KTV.

Five minutes later, An Wen went into the meeting room and sat down at the center seat.

"Boss, these are the five exceptional candidates who are here to apply to be your personal assistant. They have passed numerous rounds of shortlisting and perfectly fulfill your requirements, both in terms of working ability and personality."

The young lady acting as the secretary held on to a file as she spoke nonsense with a straight face.

"Where're their resumes?"

An Wen asked as he crossed his legs and leaned back on the executive chair.

"Here, Boss, please have a look."

The young lady acting as the secretary handed the file in her hand to An Wen.

An Wen took the file and quickly flipped through it.

What on earth!

How were they so well-prepared?

Indeed, their resumes were really in the file.

They were unlike ordinary resumes, however. Apart from stating their education levels, a large part of the resumes detailed statistics like their height, and introduced their personalities and hobbies. Furthermore, many private studio shots were attached in the file, and the pictures portrayed the young ladies' most beautiful angles. As An Wen browsed through the resumes, he immediately 'showed' his respect. 

"Mmm, not bad, let's begin the self-introductions."

An Wen pretended to be calm as he placed down the file and continued the game of roleplay.

"Candidate No. 1, introduce yourself first."

Cooperating extremely well, the young lady acting as the secretary immediately said to the other young lady behind her.

The young lady then elegantly made her way forward and stood in front of An Wen. 

There was no pungent smell of perfumer, but only a faint scent of jasmine.

An Wen did not like smelling pungent perfume, which was something the other party was notified about. As such, they had already arranged everything accordingly.

It was exactly the kind of attention paid to details that determined success and failure.

"Hello, Boss. I am Li Li. I am nineteen years old this year, and currently a first-year student at a film college where I major in performance. I started learning to dance at a young age, and I emerged as the champion of the city's Grand Child Dancing Competition when I was eight. When I was thirteen years old, I won second place in the Teen Category of Wo Dong Latin Dance Competition."

"I have a cheerful personality and I like to help people. If I am able to become your personal assistant, I will be completely devoted to helping you resolve all the problems in your life. You won't need to be concerned with the insignificant things in life ever again."

When the young lady Li Li finished introducing herself, she stepped back and returned to the group.

"Alright, next." An Wen said.

"Candidate No. 2, step forward to introduce yourself." The 'secretary' exclaimed, continuing the act.

The second young lady made her way in front of Anwen and took a bow. As she bent forward, the t-shirt that she was wearing, which had a smiley face design, drooped down dramatically.

"Hello, Boss. I am Yuan Yuan, and I am twenty-one years old this year. I am a swimming coach. I started learning how to swim at a young age, and became a swimmer in the city's swimming team. However, as I grew older, my body's development made me unable to continue with a sports career."

"However, I still love to swim, dive, and work out. If I become your personal assistant, not only would I resolve all of the problems you face in life, but I would also design a specialized fitness plan for you. I would even work out together with you and you would definitely get a toned body."

When the young lady Yuan Yuan finished, a cute smile emerged on her face.


The corner of An Wen's mouth slightly twitched.

If I allow you to become my personal fitness trainer, I don't think I will ever complete a workout. Even if I drink nutrient supplements daily, I would probably still not have sufficient nutrients.

In that situation, I won't even get a toned body; I'll probably end up collapsing first.

"Mmm, next."

"Candidate No. 3, your self-introduction, please."

The third young lady walked towards An Wen and began introducing herself.

"Hello Boss~ I'm Feng Zheng~ I'm already twenty years old this year~ I'm a broadcasting major student~ I've liked dubbing ever since I was young…"

The moment the young lady Feng Zheng started talking, An Wen could feel his blood sugar level rising rapidly.

Without considering other aspects, the sweetness in her voice was sufficient to result in a "+++" reading on a blood sugar report.

Following which, the two other young ladies also went forward to introduce themselves.

They all had a range of talents.

They either knew how to dance, swim, voice-act, give massages or sing; even the young lady who acted as the secretary was a body contouring trainer.

"Excellent, all of you are quite good. I hereby announce that all of you are employed." An Wen announced.

"Thank you, Boss!" They all replied.

"Alright, all of you should get down to work. Ms. Secretary, lead them to change into their work outfits, then find me in the KTV." An Wen instructed.

"Understood, Boss." The secretary replied.

Ten minutes later…

The young ladies who had changed their outfits walked into the KTV room of the presidential suite.

The one who knew how to dance changed into a translucent tulle skirt.

The one who knew how to swim changed into a bikini.

The one who knew how to voice-act changed into an outfit of a '2D' young girl.

The one who knew how to give massages changed into a foreign nurse outfit, and even had a stethoscope hanging around her neck.

The one who knew how to sing changed into an evening gown typically worn to perform an opera.


An Wen nodded in satisfaction as he admired their perfect service.

The most impressive part of their service was the fact that all of the girls understood what their boss wanted, which made An Wen feel extremely comforted and delighted.

"Let's begin with the song 'Say Meow Meow' first. Li Li, you will dance to the song and Feng Zeng, you will pretend to be a cat beside me." An Wen instructed.

"Alright, Boss." The girls replied in an instant.

Moments later, An Wen frowned. He took out his mobile phone to see who was calling.

It was his childhood friend.

"Hello… What… Speak louder… I can't hear you… Turn off the music."

An Wen waved his hand in the air to signal the young ladies to turn the music off.

He was finally able to hear what his friend was saying through the phone.

"Bro, can you help me?" The friend asked.

"You can speak more softly, I turned off the music. Just speak normally."

"Alright, Bro, you need to come and save me now."

"Save you? What, have you been kidnapped?" An Wen in a frightened tone.

He was slightly bewildered as he did not expect such a situation to occur at such a bad time.

"No… Well… The police raided my place for pornography and related illegal activities, I was caught." The friend said in a worried tone.

"…" An Wen was completely speechless.

"Bro, I'm serious, you have to come and save me. I'm at the police station now, you have to come here quickly and get me out of here." The friend urged.

"Eh… Get you out, my ass… Are you not ashamed of yourself for getting caught in the raid?! How could you do such a thing? You're a disgrace to the education system of our nation, all those years of compulsory education have been wasted."

"Don't you remember what our teachers taught us last time? You must have swallowed all of our teachers' teachings. You let our teachers down, you let your parents down, and even more so towards those who care for you and love you."

An Wen was initially stunned, but then confirmed that his friend was not lying.

In other words, his friend had indeed been caught in a police raid.

How could An Wen give up on such a great opportunity? He immediately started berating and lecturing his friend.