Chapter 26: A Tight Slap

Chiding and mocking aside, An Wen still needed to bail his friend out of jail.

It was not possible for him to simply make a call to do so - such was only possible in movies.

Of course, An Wen did not completely rule out the possibility of getting a free pass due to being an influential person.

The problem, however, was that An Wen was not such a person, nor did he know of anyone with such influence.

To put matters into perspective, if you were an extremely influential person, would you really make such a call to bail someone out from detention?

Any such person would usually send someone else to bail the person in question instead. One would not do so personally, for it would be degrading for oneself.

Furthermore, it would not bode well if others got wind of the matter.

"That influential person's friend got caught in a police anti-vice raid for prostitution-related activities; he had to call someone personally to bail his friend out."

It would turn into such a good joke that people would laugh about for a good year.

"Alright, we'll end here for today. My friend got himself into trouble and I need to bail him out. Go and get changed, I may not return for the night."

"As per usual, all of you will still get a full day's pay. See you next time, if we do meet again."

An Wen stood up and took a deep breath to calm the raging hormones in his body.

"Boss, shall I help you with a quick one first?"

The young lady who knew how to voice-act asked as she looked at An Wen with glistening 'puppy' eyes. She was probably over-excited.

An Wen was almost moved.

However, he declined her offer after giving it some thought.

If it could only be done halfway, it would be extremely unsatisfying and torturous, so he would rather not start on it.

It was not as if he would not have any more chances to do it in the future.

If he wanted to, he could enjoy himself like he had that night every day.

Changing into his clothes, An Wen left the hotel and began making his way towards the police station.

The police station his friend was detained at was relatively far from An Wen's hotel. It would take him 40 minutes to drive there.

Fortunately, it was 11 p.m. and the roads were not congested, otherwise...

Speaking of An Wen and his childhood friend, both of whom were actually 'arch-enemies'.

Of course, it was not that their friendship was not strong enough.

It was, in fact, the opposite - they were extremely close to each other.

After all, their parents were friends and both of them had played together, ever since they were young. With more than ten years of friendship, they were more like brothers.

The reason why they were 'arch-enemies' and at odds with each other was mainly because of what An Wen had once said:

"How great it would have been if you were a girl, I would have had a childhood sweetheart."

When his childhood friend, Zhou Zhe, heard An Wen's words, he rebuked: "Why must I be the girl, can't you be the girl instead?"

Compared to having a childhood friend, most people would perhaps rather have a childhood sweetheart, no?

Ever since then, both the boys were constantly at odds and despised each other.

As he drove towards the police station, An Wen had already thought about how he would deal with Zhou Zhe when he arrived.

When he arrived at the police station, however, it turned out that Zhou Zhe and a group of policemen were trying to break up a fight.

A bawling woman was attempting to beat up a cowering man in a corner, as if she had gone mad.

"You're just an animal, I must have been blind to have married a person like you. I want a divorce, we are getting a divorce tomorrow!"

The woman lambasted as she sobbed at the side, before she was pulled away from the man.

The policemen who were standing at the side then looked at the man in the corner with utter disdain.

Even more so for the policewoman, who would probably have stood alongside with the woman in her fight, had she not been wearing her uniform.

She would certainly not have wanted to break up the fight.

Meanwhile, Zhou Zhe was also similarly caught in a bad situation.

"Erm... Good evening, Bro, I'm here to pick up my friend. May I know what are the necessary procedures?"

At that juncture, An Wen walked into the police station and asked one of the policemen.

"What's your friend's name?" The policeman asked in reply.

"Zhou Zhe, that's him."

An Wen said as he pointed at Zhou Zhe.

"Oh, okay. His situation is less serious, and he does not have prior repeated records of meeting with a prostitute. According to Article 66 of the Public Security Administration Punishment Law, a fine of 500 yuan has to be paid, and he has to undergo re-education. You have to pay the fine first, then sign as the bailor on the Public Security Administration Punishment Written Decision. You two may leave after that." The policeman explained.

"Alright, I'll go and pay the fine now."

An Wen said. He immediately walked over to pay the fine as per official procedure.

"As the bailor, you have to ensure that the person you bailed is re-educated. If the person on bail is caught engaging in illegal activities within a short period of time from this point on, you will also be held jointly liable." The policeman solemnly said to An Wen.

"Don't worry, Sir. If he does it again, I will inform his dad to give birth to another child before breaking his fifth 'leg'." An Wen replied with a nod.

"Haha... There's no need to go to that extreme. This is actually not an extremely serious matter, but there are all sorts of people out there nowadays, and it would be very problematic if he contracts any infection from them."

The policeman felt that An Wen's plan was slightly cruel and hurriedly talked him out of it.

Then, he turned toward Zhou Zhe and uttered, "I understand that you're young, but don't engage in illegal activities anymore. Get a girlfriend soon."

"Don't worry, Sir, I will definitely not make such a mistake again." Zhou Zhe said sincerely.

"Alright, you should go home quickly, it's late." 

With that, the policeman got back to work. After all, Zhou Zhe was not the only person who was brought into the police station; there were still seven to eight others who had not been bailed out.

Moments later, An Wen then looked at Zhou Zhe while releasing a smirk, saying, "Truly amazing, Prince Zhou. You got sick and tired of the usual, so you're looking for more exciting stimulation now?"

"Sigh... Don't tell me about it man, I'm already troubled enough as I am now. My head is about to explode." Zhou Zhe replied with a face full of helplessness.

"Why, what's there for you to trouble about? Why is your head going to explode, is it that great of a matter? It's not like you have a girlfriend anyway, and neither does your father know about this. It's all in the past now, what's the big deal?" An Wen said displeasingly.

Did he really have to be so troubled? It was not that big of a deal anyway.

"I'm not worried about myself, but that guy in the corner is my former classmate." Zhou Zhe smiled bitterly.


An Wen gazed over at the young man in the corner who was chastised by the woman just moments ago. He was instantly speechless.

What in the world?

Zhou Zhe went to look for a prostitute with his former classmate, ended up getting caught by the police, and his classmate's wife went to the police station to bail her husband out.


"Did you bring him, or did he bring you?" An Wen asked softly.

That was the main question now.

It would be an easier problem to resolve if it was Zhou Zhe's former classmate who brought Zhou Zhe to look for a prostitute.

If it was the opposite, however, the situation would probably be unsalvageable.

"I brought him." Zhou Zhe replied bitterly.

"..." An Wen was at a loss for words.

In that case, there was nothing that An Wen could do.

Ultimately, it was his childhood friend who was inconsiderate. His former classmate was already married, and yet he brought him to look for prostitutes... Did he have a loose screw in his brain?

"Are you dumb? What were you even thinking? Did you not know your former classmate was married? There are so many other activities that you guys could've done to have fun! Couldn't you have gone to drink or sing karaoke?"

An Wen chided. Even he wanted to give his childhood friend a beating. 

Why did he have to destroy someone else's relationship?

"No, I was just trying to help him relieve his stress. He had been quite unlucky recently." Zhou Zhe said.

"How was he unlucky?" An Wen questioned.

"He majored in journalism and publishing, and after he graduated, he began working as a content editor at a new media website. After getting married, he was tight on money, so he started writing web novels..."

As Zhou Zhe explained, An Wen started to recall the former classmate's identity.

"Is he the former classmate you told me about previously, the one who is a 'hipster'? Didn't he look down on web novels in the past?" An Wen asked.

"Yes, that's him. He indeed looked down on web novels in the past, but when he saw that the legendary web novel authors were earning quite a sum of money, he wanted to write novels to earn money as well."

"After all, to him, those legendary web novel writers could not write nearly as well as he could, so he believed that he could also earn money from writing novels, just like them." Zhou Zhe explained.

An Wen nodded as he listened to Zhou Zhe. He had also encountered such people before, who despised web novels, thinking that they were worthless.

There was no point arguing over such.

It did not matter whether the web novel had any literary value, for he was just reading it for enjoyment anyway; he was not using it to study.

If one wanted to study, why not go to the library where there were a huge amount of educational materials?

"And then? How was writing web novels unlucky?" An Wen was extremely curious.

"Well, regarding his novels... You read web novels too, so you must know that it is not that easy to write them. The novels he wrote were exquisite, making use of a great deal of ornate and metaphorical language, but it was simply too much for the readers to digest."

"Subsequently, he was enraged and retaliated against the readers who criticized him. He even 

He was beaten up by readers after writing a story that involved cheating?

Such was comparable to the author who, after criticizing Kobe Bryant, was stabbed in the waist by his fans.

"That's not exactly unlucky though, he asked for it." An Wen remarked.

"That's not the end of the story. After he was beaten up, he went to the hospital to debride his wounds, but he ended up contracting pneumonia and was hospitalized."

"After he was discharged four days later, he returned to work, but was told that he had been dispatched to work as a field reporter instead."

"He took it in his stride to be a field reporter. Subsequently, he wanted to report on a major piece of news, so he went undercover to find out more about a pyramid scheme."

"However, he was beaten up by the people running the pyramid scheme and was robbed of his money. In the end, it was the kind-hearted citizens who called the police and sent him to the hospital for treatment."

"It wouldn't be that bad if that was all. However, when he was discharged from the hospital for the second time and had just stepped out, he was knocked down by a female driver, and was hospitalized again."

"He was just discharged today, so I wanted to help him dispel his bad luck and relieve his stress, but in the end..."

When Zhou Zhe finished the story, An Wen looked at him with a face full of respect.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Zhe was bewildered.

He had no idea what An Wen was implying.

"Oh, you have most certainly suffered from injustice for being caught this time, really."

"Your former classmate has already been so unlucky and yet you two still dared to go there..."

Truthfully, it would have been impossible to not get caught by the police when they went searching for prostitutes.

They certainly deserved it.

His former classmate had already been met with so many misfortunes, and instead of staying at home to hide or seeking help from a Taoist priest, he still went out looking for trouble. Were their brains hollow?

"What should I do now?"

The vexed Zhou Zhe scratched his head as he asked.

"Get your former classmate out of here first, those two should talk it out at home."