Chapter 30: The Pinnacle of Woodworking Skills

Knowledge of all the manufacturing skills required to build Machine Megacity flooded An Wen's mind.

An Wen previously believed that such a great wealth of knowledge would make him dizzy.

However, he was wrong.

There was actually not a great deal of new knowledge as all of the technical skills required to build Machine Megacity had already been lit up and activated.

The knowledge that was newly infused into his mind was the architecture design of Machine Megacity, as well as the manufacturing sketch of its core components. The rest was for An Wen to create.

In other words, if An Wen had previously done his own research, he could already have constructed Machine Megacity.

"Why would I waste my brain power researching when I can simply 'cheat' my way through?"

An Wen was not greatly bothered by the one billion Survival Points he had spent to unlock Machine Megacity.

Wealthy people were usually wilful, and gamers who used money to make in-game purchases exemplified exactly that.

"I shall light up and activate all the Stone Crafting Skills now, they are not expensive anyway."

It only cost An Wen 200 million Survival Points to light up all the icons in Stone Crafting Skills, which was significantly fewer Survival Points than that of Woodworking Skills.

After absorbing the knowledge of all the Stone Crafting Skills, An Wen was slightly overwhelmed.

In addition, after constructing buildings all day long for numerous days, An Wen was sickened and nauseated.

As such, he did not rush to build Machine Megacity. After all, he still had sufficient Survival Points to use, so there was no need to hurry.

"I'm going to rest for the next two days. The National Day Golden Week Holiday is around the corner so I should take it easy for a few days."


When An Wen awoke the following morning, he found that it was only seven-thirty.

"I'm going back to sleep."

Lying back down in his bed, An Wen fell asleep once again.

It was not until 9.40 a.m. that he was awakened by the ringing of his mobile phone.

"Mr. An, we have finished laying the cables. The floor tiles can now be installed now."

"Oh... Alright, I'll head over later."

It was the renovation company who called to inform An Wen that the stone material could be sent over to the new house.

Hanging up the call, An Wen crawled out of bed.

"Perfect, I'll take these few days to settle matters at the new house. There isn't much to deal with anyway, it'll be a suitable break for me."

After eating a simple breakfast, An Wen traveled to the other world.

He then furnished a sketch of the floor tiles, and let the Wood Processing Plant manufacture the floor tiles automatically.

"Automation truly saves my energy and effort."

An Wen was extremely satisfied with the automation capabilities.

It was finally something that made the game a game. If he had to spend his strength and energy doing everything, he would have been completely drained.

One hour later...

By the time An Wen arrived at the new house, the construction of the floor tiles was complete, and the final products were all polished as well.

"How much stone material is needed?" An Wen queried.

"Mr. An, 362 square meters are required to tile the floor, and another 228 square meters is required for the walls and some ornaments. That's 590 square meters of stone material in total." 

"Mmm, alright. There are 200 square meters of floor tiles in the car now, I'll bring the remaining over in the afternoon." An Wen said.

He then scanned around the new house.

He was rather satisfied with the cabling work done by the renovation company.

It could already be considered very decent for cabling work in a house.

After all, it would be unrealistic for one to expect the cabling in a house to be as perfect as the avionics onboard an aircraft. 

Walking an entire round around the house, An Wen did not discover any problems.

Even the paint used was the best environmentally-friendly paint, with no pungent odor whatsoever.

"Mmm, not bad. Keep up the high standards and I'll give each one of you a generous tip after the renovation is completed."

An Wen said to the on-site manager and the workers hard at work.

"No, no, Mr. An, this is what we ought to do. Besides, our company has forbidden us to accept any tips." The on-site manager quickly declined.

How hilarious - An Wen knew just how much attention their boss paid to the renovation of the house.

Otherwise, would there ever be an on-site manager attached to a renovation team from a renovation company?

Under such circumstances, the manager would certainly not have been so bold as to accept tips from An Wen.

"Don't worry, the regulations set by your company are meant for other clients. Your boss wouldn't mind me giving you all tips."

"As long as all of you do your work well, I'll definitely tip everyone generously. If your boss declines, then I'll give him a call, don't worry."

An Wen said as he waved his hands in the air. He had sufficient influence to be able to assert his own word.

Ultimately, Chairman Zhu of the renovation company was relying on An Wen's stone material to earn money.

The chairman would certainly not disagree with An Wen giving tips to his employees.

He might even agree to pay for the tips instead.

"Well... In that case, thank you very much, Mr. An."

The on-site manager did not dare to continue rejecting An Wen as he had no choice but to accept the offer.

The rest of the renovation team, who were in the midst of their work, all stopped to thank An Wen with joyful smiles.

An Wen waved his hand casually in the air to show that it was not a big deal, then got up and left.

In actual fact, the renovation team would still do their work well even without An Wen promising them tips. After all, the renovation was a project that Chairman Zhu handled personally, so they certainly would not dare to be careless and sloppy.

However, there was still a difference between being forced to do a task and doing it out of one's own will.

As long as there were no problems, the renovation team would not seek perfection in their work, since there was no need to.

Now, however, with An Wen's promise of a generous tip, they would subconsciously strive for perfection.

After all, they were all human, and tips were a reliable source of motivation.

Granted, An Wen was already very skillful at wielding the power of money.

Any fool could wield the power of money and spend it any way they like with past experience.

Although money would be spent either way, using it in a way with the most impactful effects was ultimately a skill to hone.

At noon, An Wen ate a large, sumptuous meal outside.

After all, he had been eating irregularly for the past few days while he was rushing to construct the buildings, and his stomach was 'protesting'.

As such, he went to eat an extravagant meal at a high-class hotel restaurant.

It tasted extremely wonderful.

Slightly after 2 p.m., An Wen returned to the other world.

He worked out for more than an hour before he began making wooden furniture.

The wooden furniture he made previously was only for practice purposes - though it was not exactly of poor quality, it was still very ordinary.

This time, in order to make exquisite furniture for his parents, it could be said that he made use of all his available resources.

An Wen lit up all of the skill icons under Woodworking Skills, apart from Sacred War Beast and Ancient Flying Eagle.

Thereafter, he obtained the sketch of 'outstanding' grade furniture, through the fusion of skills.

"Here we go."

This time, An Wen did not input the sketch for the Wood Processing Plant to manufacture the furniture automatically. Instead, he made it himself.

It was not because he wanted to find trouble for himself, but instead, it was a token of appreciation for his parents.

Tcch, tcch, tcch...

An Wen took the wood material and began sawing it.

His movements were as fluid as flowing water and floating clouds; such was a satisfying sight to see.

At that juncture...

An Wen was the man standing tall on the pinnacle of Woodworking Skills.

If there were woodworking masters in this day and age, An Wen would certainly be one of them. If there were none, then he would be the one and only.

Very quickly, a tea table prototype was completed.

An Wen knew that his father liked drinking tea; his father had one tea table in the living room, one in his study, and in his office. Among them, the most expensive one was carved from the old root of a tree, which cost him more than 7 million yuan.

Before An Wen 'cheated' in the game world, he felt that that tea table was quite decent.

It looked decently aesthetic.

Indeed, to ordinary people, it was just a matter of whether it was aesthetic or not.

However, to the present An Wen, he could only think that the tea table was essentially worthless. The carving skills were extremely ordinary and at most, that of a well-practiced woodworker.

The table could not even compare to one made by a skillful proficient woodworker in the ancient day, and not even close to one made by woodworking masters.

Meanwhile, An Wen's carvings were no longer that simple.

Beneath each micro-carving were interconnected tiny mechanisms that would make the tea table come 'alive' when the tea flowed across the water wheel and provided sufficient energy for the mechanisms to move.

When the mechanisms moved, both the landscape sculpture at the top of the table, as well as the surrounding ornamental cloud patterns would change continuously.

While it would still be a tea table when it was complete, it would have, in theory, incorporated the techniques of mortise-and-tenon structures, movement-dependent mechanisms, as well as connecting micro-carvings. It would be a grand masterpiece that made use of three top woodworking skills.

Even if it were during the peak of ancient woodworking, which was during the era of Mozi and Lu Ban, the tea table would still be considered a top-quality product.

Of course, regardless of how impressive it was, it was still a tea table.

It could not compare to the three ultimate products that represented the top woodworking skills.

After spending an entire day working on the tea table...

An Wen was finally finished, with the help of the convenient game settings.

Trickle, trickle...

When An Wen poured some water into the tea table's sky lake at the top of the 'mountain', the table came 'alive'.

The water wheel, the farm cattle, the farmers, the fishing boat... All of the carvings atop the tea table instantly began moving accordingly.

On the other hand, the trees on the mountain also 'swayed' occasionally, as if gusts of wind were blowing.

The cloud patterns that were dispersed over the tea table also changed slowly.


An Wen was extremely pleased with his craftsmanship.