Chapter 31: Someone’s Trying to Stir Trouble Again?

After completing the tea table, An Wen had become more confident in his craftsmanship.

"I'll make a cabinet with a secret compartment tomorrow so that Dad can hide his own savings."

Whenever An Wen recalled the many stories of his father attempting to hide his private savings, he wanted to laugh.

Logically speaking, did a wealthy boss with a net worth of billions of yuan really need to hide his private savings?


Regardless of one's net worth, with a wife who fought alongside one's journey to success, there was nothing one could do.

Of course, An Wen's father's private savings were different from what people would normally imagine them to be.

His savings were not used for him to purchase cigarettes, drink alcohol, organize private parties, or the like. They were a part of his ordinary spending amount, and An Wen's mother did not control any of it.

His father's private savings were also not for getting a mistress outside; if that were the case, An Wen would not help his father by creating a secret compartment in the cabinet.

Instead, the savings were used to fund his father's one and only hobby - exploring stone, which was something he had much experience and skill in.

Furthermore, his father was willing to spend a great amount of money in doing so, and even 18 to 20 million yuan was no big deal.

In contrast, An Wen's mother did not fancy stone and did not allow her husband to spend so much money on such.

As such, whenever his father wanted to buy stone, he would have to use his own money, and that was precisely what his private savings were used for.

"I'll take a bath and then go to sleep."

An Wen read a novel while he took a short bath, then left the other world.

Buzz, buzz...

Before he could even take one step in his room, his mobile phone began vibrating continuously.

"What on Earth is happening?"

Twenty-eight missed calls!

Fifty-two unread messages!

His WeChat was also completely flooded with messages and it had not yet finished loading!

It essentially turned into a certain vibrating electrical household appliance - yes, just like the razor.

After two minutes, his mobile phone finally 'calmed down'.

An Wen immediately tapped to see who the missed calls were from.

He then realized that they were all from his friend whom he played aeromodelling with.

The unread messages were also from that friend.

As for WeChat, the main reason why it continued buzzing for such a long time was because there were senseless people who had sent tens, or even hundreds, of messages.

Fortunately, An Wen's mobile phone was equipped with the Kirin 980 mobile chip. Had it been equipped with any other type of mobile chip, his mobile phone would likely have stopped working.

He then opened up WeChat and browsed through the messages swiftly.

Very quickly, he understood what was going on.

To put it simply, the aeromodelling club of Ze University wanted to challenge his school's aeromodelling club in a competition. They received unofficial news that An Wen's school's aeromodelling club had a Su-47 "Golden Eagle" airplane model with a pair of thrust vectoring turbojet engines.

Normally, Zhendan University's aeromodelling club had nothing to worry about when faced with such challenges.

After all, during the time when An Wen was the President of the club, he contributed numerous 'treasures'.

The problem, however, was that turbojet engines had become obsolete over time, just like electronic circuit chips.

One might easily think that the solution was simply to buy a new one.


One should not assume that turbojet engines were cheap.

The reason why the large majority of people in the aeromodelling community used turbofan engines and electric engines, rather than turbojet engines, was due to the high cost.

A regular-sized turbojet engine that provided more than 20 kg of thrust would usually cost about the same as a small domestic sedan car.

This price was merely for ordinary turbojet engines, not to mention slightly better and the highest-end turbojet engines.

A turbojet engine that was slightly better performing would cost around that of a B-class sedan.

As an example, the two turbojet engines that An Wen used in his airplane model cost as much as, if not more than, a BMW X5.

In addition, there was a simplified avionics system, a radar system, an optical sighting device, and other equipment installed on his airplane model. Some of the equipment was even specially made at his request by the manufacturing plant.

All in all, An Wen spent more than 4 million yuan on the airplane model.

Apart from the fact that his airplane model was not equipped with weapons, it was essentially a small-scale unmanned combat aerial vehicle.

Regardless... An Wen still classified it as an airplane model.

He would never admit that it was an unmanned aerial vehicle, regardless of what others said.

"Should I lend a helping hand? (grin)"

An Wen sent a message in the group chat.

In an instant, the group chat went quiet for a moment, then countless messages followed.

"Legend An is here! (please help me)"

"My great brother! Can-you-help-me-too.JPG"

"President, Ze University is here to provoke us, your help is needed urgently!!!"

"Legend An, I want to make a baby with you (voice cracking)"


A long chain of messages filled the chat room; reading every single one was nearly impossible.

It was impossible to engage in a normal chat in such a situation.

Moments later, An Wen received a private message.

"Legend An, Ze University is very well-prepared this time. They specifically challenged Zhendan's aeromodelling club, and I reckon that they will find ways to prevent you from being part of the competition."

It was a message sent to An Wen by the current President of Zhendan University's aeromodelling club.

An Wen quickly replied, "Don't worry, I'll just say that I'm participating in the National Postgraduate Entrance Examination."

"Wow... Legend An is indeed legendary!"

"Tell everyone not to worry. They can boldly accept the challenge and I'll support everyone from behind."

"Alright, thank you, Legend An."

Putting down his mobile phone, An Wen continued sniggering.

It appeared to be a perfectly ordinary matter so far.

However, An Wen somehow believed that it was not as simple as it seemed, especially since the current President of Zhendan University's aeromodelling club, Du Yuan, was not a simple person who was easy to deal with.

When An Wen still attended university, Du Yuan was the backbone of the aeromodelling club.

An Wen did not like him, however. It was not because he was a particularly malicious person; at the most, he was despicable, but not evil.

Du Yuan was the type of person who knew exactly how to curry favors with other people. He would not seek to resolve problems directly, and always had heinous tricks up his sleeve.

In fact, Du Yuan already wanted to be the President of the aeromodelling club when he was in his third year of university.

However, he did not dare to tell An Wen about his desire. Instead, he bamboozled and cajoled a slower-witted member of the aeromodelling club to demand An Wen to give up his position.

What a joke.

How embarrassing would it be if I gave up my position just because he told me to?

An Wen instantly kicked the foolish member who told An Wen to give up his position out of the aeromodelling club.

It was only when An Wen was about to graduate that he learned the truth that the foolish member had merely been cajoled into doing so. The true 'mastermind' behind it was Du Yuan.

However, by then, An Wen was already about to graduate, and Du Yuan was also reverent and respectful towards him in front of the others.

As such, An Wen could not possibly be hostile towards Du Yuan, for no apparent reason.

Moreover, the members in the same batch as An Wen were also about to graduate, so they were not concerned with matters related to the aeromodelling club, and An Wen was too lazy to seek 'revenge'.

After all, no matter how well Du Yuan could curry favors, he would still have to submit to the power of money.

Therefore, An Wen did not take him seriously.

"Is he targeting me specifically, or is someone else trying to stir up trouble?"

An Wen pondered the thought but did not arrive at any conclusion.

After all, he had received too little information to make any firm analysis.

"Never mind, why should I even waste my 'brain cells' thinking about it? Every problem comes with a solution, I'll just react accordingly when the time comes."

After plugging in his mobile phone to charge, An Wen jumped in his bed as he was ready to sleep.


For the next few days, nothing significant occurred.

An Wen worked out and did some woodworking every day, playing games and reading novels on the side. It was a carefree life.

In the blink of an eye, the National Day Golden Week Holiday was round the corner.

On the night of September 30, An Wen drove back to his parents' home.

National Day was a holiday and an important one at that, so An Wen would always return home to spend it with his parents.

"Mom, Dad, your dearest son is home!"

As usual, An Wen loudly announced his arrival the moment he walked through the door.

"What are you shouting for? Why are you back so late?" An Zhixin questioned gruffly.

"Eh... Am I late? Have you guys already finished dinner?" 

An Wen was completely bewildered. It was only past 4 p.m. How could he be late? Why was his father so displeased?

"Cut the nonsense. Change your shoes and come to my study. I have something to talk to you about." An Zhixin instructed.

An Wen rolled his eyes helplessly. What's the matter now?