Chapter 42: Exploring the Island

Truthfully, An Wen had mixed feelings about the video.

On one hand, it was not an easy feat for an ordinary person to appear on Bilibili's ranking chart.

However, going viral on Bilibili in such a way...

An Wen just could not accept it.

"Sir, here's your breakfast."

The waiter said to the dazed An Wen, smiling as he placed the food that he ordered on the table.

An Wen instantly snapped out of his daze. Looking at the food on the table, he suddenly felt that he had lost his appetite.

Buzz buzz...

At that moment, An Wen's mobile phone rang.

It was a message from Ye Zhihua, asking him where he should deliver the Ancient Flying Eagle to.

An Wen then replied: "Hire a vehicle to deliver the Ancient Flying Eagle to my warehouse. I'll wait for you there."

He had asked Ye Zhihua to take care of all the other matters, as he was occupied with hosting the professors.

Ye Zhihua had stayed the night at Oriental Land Hotel, enjoying himself immensely until late into the night. However, when he woke up in the morning, he did not procrastinate and got down to business immediately.

He then sent his reply to An Wen: "Alright, I will arrive in about two hours."

Putting down his mobile phone, An Wen felt slightly better.

Why did he have to think so much? He could simply acquire Bilibili when he had enough money in the future.

Lifting up the spoon, he ate a mouthful of soybean pudding.

"Deliciously sweet!"

It is scientifically proven that when people consume sugary foods, the brain would emit 'signals' of happiness.

As such, long live the sweet gang!

After his breakfast, An Wen returned home and retrieved two turbojet engines from his workshop, then drove to the warehouse.

An hour later, Ye Zhihua, with his dark eye circles, escorted the transport vehicle to the warehouse.

"President, I am honored to deliver the Ancient Flying Eagle back to you, completely undamaged." Ye Zhihua announced.

"You've worked hard. Did you enjoy yourself yesterday?" An Wen asked.

"I had a whale of a time, it's just that quite a sum of money was spent."

"Money is not an issue as long as you have enjoyed yourself."

An Wen was not the least bit concerned about the costs he incurred from yesterday. How much money could it amount to?

"President, this is the receipt for yesterday's spendings. Have a look."

Ye Zhihua retrieved the bank card and the receipt from his wallet, and handed it over to An Wen.

An Wen grabbed the card and receipt, and after sliding the bank card into his wallet, he merely took a quick glance at the total amount spent. He did not even bother looking through the individual items on the receipt.

"The competition did not take place yesterday, is it still going to be held today?" An Wen queried.

"Of course, the event can't be concluded just like that after a good start. However, they are now leaving Oriental Land and instead going to the beach. There aren't many people who are going today though."

An Wen nodded as he did not probe any further.

After the Ancient Flying Eagle was unloaded from the vehicle and placed in the warehouse, An Wen drove Ye Zhihua back downtown.

The two of them then found a place for lunch along the way, and An Wen sent Ye Zhihua back to the school.

"I will be pursuing my postgraduate studies next year and I need to study in the upcoming months, so I will no longer have as much time for aeromodelling. Take these two turbojet engines and fit them to one of the club's better airplane models. Don't allow Du Yuan to win again."

When they arrived at the school entrance, An Wen took out the two turbojet engines and handed them over to Ye Zhihua.

"President, I can't accept this." Ye Zhihua quickly declined.

Indeed, he had helped An Wen out the previous day, but he had also ate and enjoyed himself extremely well, so he would be ashamed if he accepted another of An Wen's 'gifts'.

"Just take it, I will buy a new pair anyway when I feel like aeromodelling next time. Give me a call if something's up, I'll be going off first."

Without giving him any further opportunity to decline, An Wen forced the engines into Ye Zhihua's hands, then got back in his car and drove away.

"Eh... many female juniors told me to give their WeChat account IDs to President, but I forgot to tell him. Never mind, it's not a big deal, he isn't going to add them anyway."

Ye Zhihua muttered to himself, then returned to school with the turbojet engines in his hands.

Little did he know that at that moment, there were many girls who were anxiously waiting for An Wen to add them as friends on WeChat, so much so that their hearts were shattering.


When An Wen returned home, he found Yuan Pan waiting for him at his doorstep.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing An Wen's return, Yuan Pan raised his claws and pointed to his 'nest'.

"Sorry... I was so busy these past two days that I forgot that you have grown bigger and can no longer fit in that small nest."

It was only then when An Wen realized that Yuan Pan had no place to sleep.

Upon hearing An Wen's words, Yuan Pan turned around and climbed onto the balcony to continue bathing in the sun.

Well, he was ultimately a tortoise - even though he had grown bigger, he still needed sunlight to replenish the calcium in his body and bones.

Turning on his mobile phone, An Wen initially wanted to buy Yuan Pan a new nest. However, after giving it some thought, he realized that there was no need for him to do so. He could simply build one for Yuan Pan later.

"It's only twelve-thirty and the sun is still not up in the other world. That's fine though, I can work out first."

After changing into his sports attire, An Wen traveled to the other world.

The temperature inside the fitness center was consistently maintained at around 25 degrees, neither too hot nor too cold, making the interior extremely comfortable.

The impressive temperature regulation was not the result of the extraordinary central air-conditioning system, but due to the special effects of the fitness center, being a building with an 'outstanding' grade. Any building with an 'outstanding' grade, including the bathrooms and the toilets, were maintained relatively warm and humid inside.

"Pant, pant... Pant, pant..."

Regulating his breathing, An Wen warmed up with a slow 10-kilometer jog, then began working out.

With the aid of different types of equipment and in different poses, he trained 90 percent of all the muscles in his body.

The remaining 10 percent of muscles could not be trained in the fitness center.

"It's only two o'clock."

After working out, An Wen looked at the time and realized that it was only two o'clock in the afternoon. There was still half an hour before sunrise in the other world.

"Forget it, I don't feel like shooting arrows today. I'll take a look at the monsters from the city wall then."

An Wen suddenly remembered about the monsters.

Ever since he completed the city wall and watched one round of attacks the previous time, he had never watched them again.

Very quickly, An Wen geared himself up and headed to the city wall, bringing a bow with arrows along.

Roar... roar... roar...

Bam... bam... bam...

Before An Wen even made his way up the city wall, he could hear the roaring and hissing of the monsters beyond the city wall, accompanied by the loud bangs created by the attacks against the wall.

"It's been a long time, how have you all been?"

Standing atop the city wall, An Wen greeted the monsters down below.

It was a pity that none of the monsters returned his greetings.


At that moment, one of the monsters exploded at its position, after suffering excessive counter damage from attacking the city wall for some time.

The moment it was killed, another monster rushed forward from behind to take its place. It continued attacking the city wall while its health decreased.

"This should be the maximum quantity of monsters there can possibly be."

An Wen muttered as he looked at the countless monsters on the open field ahead of the wall. They appeared to be so densely-packed together that there was virtually no empty space between their bodies.

All the way from the forest in the distance to the foot of the city wall, the entire field was occupied by monsters.

An Wen reckoned that, even if his income of Survival Points increased by tens of times, the number of monsters would no longer increase.

After all, the space beneath the wall was only so large and it was already saturated with monsters. Hence, there was no more room for monsters to appear.

"When the sun rises, I shall take a spin around the island to see if there are any monster nests."

It was more than two months since An Wen had first gained access to the other world, and he had always been 'farming'.

What about exploring?

He had not yet done any of such. What was the purpose of exploring when 'farming' was already so enjoyable?

An Wen was very much a typical player of games like QQ Huaxia. Regardless whether it was a survival game, a real-time strategy game, a console game, or a PC RPG game, as long as he could build a base in the game and 'farm', he would build it up well first and leave everything else for later.

What was the criteria of a base that was built up well, then?

Firstly, all available buildings had to be built, and if it was possible for technological advancement in the game, all technologies had to be leveled up to their highest level.

Next, if monsters or other players would appear in the game to attack the base, military-level fortifications had to be built. At the least, the turrets had to be leveled up fully, so strong and secure that they were impregnable.

Finally, only when the above two criteria were met and the base could no longer be expanded in size, would the player venture out to explore if it was possible to build sub-bases.

If such was possible, the game would be classified as a 'leisure farming' game, regardless of what genre the game actually was.

An Wen did exactly that.

After more than two months, he had not even explored the entire island once.

Not only had he not explored the island himself, he also had not used drones to take videos of the situation on the island.

If not for the fact that there was no more room for him to develop and all of the available skills had been leveled capped, he would not have got the idea to explore other parts of the island.


Picking up the bow, An Wen shot a barrage of arrows towards the monsters.

This time around, his attack was finally effective, and their health bars decreased.

Due to the fact that he made use of one of the archer skills, Charge Shots, he managed to deal a small amount of damage to the giant monsters.

Half an hour later, the sky lit up.

An Wen returned home to retrieve a drone, and then began filming the situation on the island.

Before he explored the island himself, it was smarter to scout out any possible problems or dangers present.

"Hmm...? There seems to be a cave over there?"