Chapter 43: Discovering Ore and Roaring Inside the Caved

Using the drone, An Wen discovered a cave underneath a mountain on the northern part of the island.

He then began maneuvering the drone towards the cave.

"Do the monsters run out of this cave?"

An Wen uttered softly to himself as he looked at the cave on the screen.

"That can't be, the opening of this cave is too small. It's only slightly over two meters tall and less than three meters wide. Even some of the large monsters can't pass through this opening, much less the gigantic monsters attacking the city."

Very quickly, An Wen proved his previous speculation wrong.

However, the failed hypothesis left a question unanswered.

What was the significance of the cave?

In certain types of games, places like the cave were certainly not decorations.

Even if it was not a secret passageway, it would surely have some purpose, not just merely for show.

"I'll just note down this cave first and think about it later."

An Wen controlled the drone to fly elsewhere.

He had no other choice; he could not fly the drone into the cave, for there would be no signal in such places.

"Eh... there is a black pit here?"

"Mmm... there is even a green lake here?"

"Is this an earth mound or a mountain? Why is there no vegetation growing here?"

As An Wen maneuvered the drone through the sky, he drew an extremely simple map that no one except him could read on a notebook with a pen.

Previously when he was flying the Ancient Flying Eagle, he had not taken notice of such things on the island.

Now, while filming on his drone, he discovered that there were indeed numerous strange occurrences on the island.

"This valley is closest to the cave and the black pit. The bare earth mound is slightly further away, and the green lake is the farthest away from this valley. In that case, I shall think about exploring the cave first."

Looking at the map he drew, An Wen decided to explore the various locations in order of proximity, from the closest to the farthest.

Packing his equipment and ensuring that he had not left anything behind, he set off.

However, just as he was about to leave the camp, he turned back.

"My bow is too weak for close combat, I need to activate the other weaponry skills first."

An Wen did not consider such many things at first.

However, when he left the camp and saw the animals in the forest, he immediately realized that he did not have much combat power.

Indeed, he had a strong physique, but so did a sprinter - could he win in a fight against a black bear? Certainly not.

As much as An Wen's bow was powerful, it was only such a case for ranged attacks. He would be much weaker in close combat.

Therefore, he needed to light up other skills to their maximum level first.

An Wen went to the practice room in the fitness center and pondered as he looked at the various weapons on the weapon rack. 

Should he use a sword?

He would certainly look majestic wielding a sword, but the lethality of true sword-wielding skills fundamentally relied on piercing targets. As a result, it would not be effective against the thick-skinned monsters in the wild.

Should he use a saber?

Using a saber would be sufficient to dash and slash monsters in the wild, but the attack distance would still be short while the damage dealt would just be average.

Should he use a hammer?

Using a hammer would be too cumbersome, and its attack distance would be even shorter than a saber.

Should he use a whip?

Could you even use a whip against wild monsters? Such was an item used for one's enjoyment and pleasure.

Giving it a lot of thought, An Wen finally stopped in front of the Fang Tian Hua Halberd. 

"At 2.3 meters long, the attack distance is sufficient, and the attack power is strong enough as well. It looks majestic enough too... It's a perfect match for me."

An Wen retrieved the Fang Tian Hua Halberd and swung it around with one hand. It was well-balanced and easy to wield.

With his current strength, wielding weapons like the Fang Tian Hua Halberd was no challenge.

"Pairing this with a dagger as a secondary weapon would be enough."

An Wen grabbed a dagger with his other hand, then opened the skills list.

"Halberd Fundamentals... Advanced Halberd... Half Moon Dance... Bloody Battle... Divine Star Strike..."

"Dagger Fundamentals... Crippling Strike... Shadow Assassin... Backstab... Fatal Strike..."

An Wen lit up two-thirds of the corresponding skill icons of the two weapons. The remaining one-third could not be lit up as his physical condition still did not fulfill the prerequisites.

However, even so, An Wen felt that he had been 'reborn'.

Hoo... Haa...

An Wen brandished the Fang Tian Hua Halberd. Shouts echoed throughout the practice room.

"Wonderful... A true man should... No, this is the weapon that all men should wield."

An Wen felt that his combat strength was off the charts; his worries in the beginning had all vanished.

Holding the Fang Tian Hua Halberd and carrying his backpack, An Wen set off once again.

About ten minutes later...

An Wen arrived at the entrance of the cave.

He then took out all of the items in his backpack and attached a powerful torchlight onto a stand. Holding the Fang Tian Hua Halberd in one hand... he sat by the opening of the cave.


With the remote control in his hand, An Wen navigated a small remote-controlled car into the cave.

"It's just a perfectly ordinary cave, much like the valley."

Looking at the screen which displayed the scene in front of the remote-controlled car, An Wen discovered that there was nothing atypical inside the cave. Even the stone material that made up the cave wall was the same as that of the valley.

There were no monster claw marks, and neither were there bats on the ceiling. Everything was completely normal.

After traveling more than 300 meters into the cave, the small remote-controlled car came to a corner.

An Wen furrowed his brows.

The maximum range of the remote-controlled car was one kilometer, but that was assuming it moved in a straight line. If there were corners and turns, it could be much shorter.

If An Wen wanted to continue controlling the small remote-controlled car forward, he had to enter the cave himself.

"Even with my greatest speed, I would need more than 35 seconds to cover the distance of over 300 meters. A typical monster would not be able to catch up to me."

"Moreover, as long as it is not those gigantic monsters, I should be able to win a fight against them, based on my current capabilities."

After giving it some thought, An Wen decided to enter the cave. He already knew that there was no danger in the first 300 meters from the entrance of the cave anyway. 

With the Fang Tian Hua Halberd in his hand, An Wen made his way towards the entrance of the cave.


An Wen discovered an extremely awkward problem: the full potential of the Fang Tian Hua Halberd could not be realized inside the cave.

The height of the cave was only about 2.5 meters and its width was less than 3.5 meters, while the Fang Tian Hua Halberd in his hand was already 2.3 meters long. Clearly, it could not be wielded effectively inside.

"This is such an awkward situation."

An Wen was at a loss for words as he looked at the Fang Tian Hua Halberd in his hand. Left without a choice, he could only leave the weapon outside.

Without a weapon in his hand, he instantly lost a few courage points.

Carefully, An Wen began traversing through the cave, stopping 50 meters before the corner.

He could control the small remote-controlled car to move forward from that position.


The small remote-controlled car set off once again into the depths of the cave.

After the small remote-controlled car turned the corner, An Wen noticed that the walls of the cave looked slightly different - their color was unusual.

He had dug such a great amount of the stone material previously, and even sold some of it for 200 million yuan; how could he not recognize the stone material well?

"It's slightly dim and I can't see very clearly."

An Wen frowned as he looked at the scene displayed on the screen.

He did not act recklessly, controlling the small remote-controlled car to continue moving forward.

One minute later, the small remote-controlled car stopped moving smoothly, signifying that it was almost out of range and the signal was becoming unstable.

However, at that juncture, the small remote-controlled car had moved another 200 meters or so further into the cave after turning the corner, with no danger detected.

Tap, tap, tap...

Step by step, An Wen slowly made his way forward, as the small remote-controlled car also continued moving forward jerkily.

When he reached another corner of the cave, he stopped.

He did not control the small remote-controlled car to continue moving forward, but concentrated on the walls on both sides of the cave.

When the white light of the torch shone onto the wall of the cave, red, yellow, and blue light was reflected off it.

"This is not stone material? Is it ore?"

Looking at the mix of red, yellow, and blue light reflecting off the surface of the ore making up the walls of the cave, An Wen furrowed his brows.

He did not have much knowledge of ores and was completely clueless about them.


An Wen pulled out the dagger that he carried wherever he went and began mining the ore.

It was alright that he did not know the type of ore since he could just extract a sample and bring it to the laboratory for testing.

Cling, cling, cling...

The sound of An Wen hitting the wall of the cave with his dagger echoed through the cave.

After about a dozen knocks, a standard-sized, ellipsoid-shaped ore appeared at An Wen's feet.

Just as An Wen was about to pick the ore up and leave, a roar emerged from the depths of the cave.


Holy crap...

An Wen trembled, throwing down both the ore he was carrying and the torchlight.

Turning around, he ran frantically towards the entrance of the cave.

Sometimes, theory and reality just did not match up.

For example, An Wen estimated that he needed at least 35 seconds to run 300 meters.

In reality, however, An Wen had reached a speed of more than 9.7 meters per second and he covered a distance of 300 meters in less than 30 seconds.

This is also why people say that the potential of humans is limitless.

Without forcing yourself, you would never discover how strong you truly are.