Looked down by the Beautiful Straight-A Student

When it was time for class, the English teacher walked into the classroom. Qin Yang took off his earphones to prepare for the class.

Han Qingqing suddenly asked, "Were you listening to songs?"

Qin Yang was caught off guard. He did not expect Han Qingqing to speak to him, but he smiled and replied, "No, it is just a basic English audio course."

Han Qingqing was also taken aback. When she saw that Qin Yang was listening so wholeheartedly, she thought that he was listening to songs. She did not expect that he was listening to English audios.

"Basic audio course? Isn't that the course that should have been completed in junior high?"

Qin Yang helplessly smiled and shook his mobile phone screen at Han Qingqing, showing her the icon of the Basic English Listening Course app.

"I have a poor foundation in English, and it is difficult to understand what the teacher is talking about, so I plan to learn from scratch to improve."

"Oh," Han Qingqing nodded. Her eyes showed a surprised look, but she did not continue asking.

At the beginning of the class, Qin Yang was taking notes from time to time while listening to the lecturer and looking very diligent. Han Qingqing looked at Qin Yang's notes from the side and almost couldn't hold back her laughter because most of the notes were in Chinese and the only English words were all written with crooked and miserable-looking handwriting.

'This note was technically the standard of an English beginner. Was Qin Yang's English really that awful?'

'How did he enter the English major then?'

'Was he especially good in certain subjects and they're the one that pulled up his overall score?'

'Such an interesting person. His English was awful and yet he chose the English major. He didn't make any effort to learn English before this and only decided to start from scratch after coming to university?'

At the end of the class, Han Qingqing casually closed her textbook. She was a straight-A student, and English was her specialty. The teacher's lesson was not difficult for her at all, so she easily understood and remembered everything. She looked back at Qin Yang who was still struggling with his notes, recording things that maybe only he can understand.

Han Qingqing finally could not hold back any longer and said, "You can't take notes like this."

Qin Yang raised his head and when he saw Han Qingqing's expression that was reflecting how terrible his notes were, he was embarrassed and helplessly said, "I know this is a stupid way, but I don't know any other method. So, I could only take notes like this first..."

Han Qingqing could understand why Qin Yang wrote his notes in this manner. This was the stupid and very unscientific method that many beginners will adopt. And they adopted this method because they had no other way, but she still said in good faith, "This method is not accurate, it will cause various problems in the future. It is better to use scientific learning methods. Although it will be more difficult, it is very beneficial for future learning."

Having said this, Han Qingqing couldn't help frowning, "Why do I feel that you haven't learned English before this and are a complete beginner?"

'Sh*t, this is how it feels like being looked down by a straight-A student'

Qin Yang looked embarrassed and reluctantly replied. "Well, for some reason, I actually haven't learned any English, I really am just a beginner..."

"No wonder..."

Han Qingqing did not ask why he hadn't studied English before. She hesitated for a moment and said, "How about this, I will teach you some learning methods later. If you encounter any problems while studying, you can always ask me and I'll answer them for you. This may help you improve faster..."

Qin Yang immediately smiled. He had been learning English by himself for several days and even though he had an excellent memory and strong learning ability, this was an unfamiliar foreign language. The speed of learning would definitely be much different from having someone to teach him compared to learning alone!

Han Qingqing was the top-scoring student in Qingdao City for the College Entrance Examination, and her English was also very good. Her learning method must naturally be quite efficient. If she can teach him, then that would definitely be a huge aid in his learning.

Qin Yang quickly expressed his earnest gratitude. "Really? Thank you so much then. I have had a lot of questions in the past days and I don't know who to ask. The other guys in my dorm were not able to help me. I've tried asking them but I couldn't understand what they said..."

Hearing Qin Yang's words, the image of Qin Yang's helpless expression when asking He Tianfeng and the others about the English questions appeared in Han Qingqing's mind, and she couldn't help but laugh.

"No need to thank me, I am the study monitor. It is also my duty to help classmates who cannot catch up. Do you have time this afternoon?"

"Other than classes, I am free."

Han Qingqing nodded frankly, "Alright, how about 1:30 in the afternoon? You can wait for me at the door of our dormitory building. I'll find a suitable place to teach you. Sort out what you want to ask, and I will answer all of them with you when we meet."


Qin Yang agreed and immediately said with a smile, "The next class is at noon. Let me treat you to lunch as a token of my appreciation."

Han Qingqing smiled. "You don't have to do this. You've treated me to dinner before."

"That's not even the same thing! It is said that in ancient times when people teach you, you need to appreciate them as your teacher. Although we are classmates, you're really helping me a lot in the end..."

Qin Yang sincerely replied and smiled. "If you think it's not convenient for the two of us to eat together, I can invite Le Yuxin to join us. Don't refuse it. You must attend my 'Teacher Appreciation Banquet.'"

Qin Yang's expression was enthusiastic with his eyes brimming with gratitude. It was obvious that he was thanking Han Qingqing from the bottom of his heart. It seemed that he had no other intention. Upon noticing this, Han Qingqing hesitated for a brief moment and agreed. "Okay, let's just eat in the cafeteria."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "The food at the cafeteria is too simple. This meal must not be so casual. Do you like to eat taro chicken? There is a shop at the university's commercial street, and the taro chicken there is delicious and not expensive, too. How about there?"

Han Qingqing had taken the initiative to help Qin Yang save some money. Since Qin Yang insisted, she didn't want to continue on and readily agreed. "Sure... Well, you have the final say."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Then, let me invite Le Yuxin to join us, so you'll have someone to accompany you."

Han Qingqing froze for a moment then agreed, but inside she felt a queer feeling.

Just now, she was not the one who had insisted on inviting Le Yuxin, so Qin Yang obviously had the chance to eat alone with her. But now he still offered to invite Le Yuxin. This was completely different from how other people would act.

If it were anyone else, they would love to have the opportunity to eat alone with her. They would not ask anyone to join them so that the two of them could spend time alone. But instead, Qin Yang seemed to be worrying that the two of them were alone...

While being surprised, Han Qingqing's initial wariness also disappeared subconsciously.

'Looks like he only treats me as a normal classmate, having no other intentions. Was I thinking too much before this?'

As she felt relieved, Han Qingqing couldn't help but have a weird thought in her head: 'Was she not attractive to Qin Yang at all?'