Boy, Are You Looking For Trouble?

A girl's mind is a very peculiar thing.

If Qin Yang was very eager to eat alone with Han Qingqing, then Han Qingqing would have been full of vigilance. But Qin Yang was so calm that Han Qingqing couldn't help but start developing these strange thoughts.

The fourth lesson quickly ended. Qin Yang packed up his things and smiled. "Wait for me, I'll go inform Le Yuxin."

Han Qingqing gently bit her lips. "Okay!"

Qin Yang stood up and walked to the front. Le Yuxin had just picked up her things and was going out when Qin Yang called her, "Le Yuxin."

Le Yuxin stopped and curiously asked, "What's the matter?"

Qin Yang said in a generous tone, "I'm asking Han Qingqing out for lunch and would be glad if you could join us. Do me a favor, please."

Le Yuxin looked at Han Qingqing, who was still sitting in her seat at the back, and subconsciously asked, "Has Han Qingqing agreed?"


Qin Yang reassured her and he immediately continued as he was worried about what Le YuXin would think, "She saw how poor my English was in class just now, so she wanted to help me out and teach me some good learning methods. I'd like to take her out for lunch as a token of appreciation, and I would also like to invite you to join us; the more, the merrier."

'The more, the merrier?'

'That's okay with you?'

Le Yuxin briskly and playfully promised with an interesting look on her face. "Well, since it's a treat from a nouveau riche, then I shall accept. Don't worry, I'll just keep quiet and eat. If you need any photos to be taken, I can also be a photographer…"  

Qin Yang wryly laughed in his heart. Le Yuxin thought that this was a plot he had designed to pursue Han Qingqing.

Qin Yang didn't explain himself; the more he tried to explain, the deeper the misunderstanding would get. It was best for him to just keep quiet and let her see for herself.

Qin Yang was going to greet He Tianfeng and tell him, but Sun Xiaodong and Lin Zhu had already rushed to the front and pulled him away. Then, Qin Yang remembered that these two guys had been sitting in front of him, so they must have heard the conversation between him and Han Qingqing. 

Qin Yang and Le Yuxin went back to the back. Han Qingqing stood up while holding her book and smiled. "Let's go."

There was an old commercial street outside the side entrance of Zhonghai University. This commercial street mostly consisted of a variety of small restaurants, as well as billiard halls, net-bars, and other entertainment spots. The prices were not too costly because the main customers of this street were students of Zhonghai University, so most students liked hanging out around here.  

They walked into the restaurant. Upon seeing that all the dining tables in the room were full, they sat down at a table under the shade on the side of the road.  

Qin Yang had eaten here once with He Tianfeng and the others and knew what to eat this time. He did not use the menu and directly ordered a dish. 

"One large taro chicken, stir-fried pork with green pepper, tomato and egg soup, stir-fried vegetables, and... three bottles of coconut milk."  

Le Yuxin said with a smile, "Han Qingqing, thanks to you, I get to enjoy another delicious meal again."

Han Qingqing smiled. "This meal isn't for free. Qin Yang, Le Yuxin is also good at English. If I'm busy, you can also directly ask her. You better put in some effort after enjoying this meal."

Le Yuxin slyly smiled. "I'm always busy, I am just mooching a meal today. Han Qingqing is much better than me. I'm just a dabbler. You should just directly ask her."  

Qin Yang understood the meaning behind Le Yuxin's words. She still thought that he was pursuing Han Qingqing, so she had deliberately said that to create more opportunities for him.  

The food quickly arrived, and the three of them started eating the delicious food. Both Han Qingqing and Le Yuxin really enjoyed it.  

"Well, it's delicious, but it definitely isn't cheap. Qin Yang, you must get a lot of allowance to be able to have such good food all the time..."  

Qin Yang gently smiled and said, "I have been helping out an elder for the past few years and have earned some money. I'm just spending the money that I've earned. I enjoy having good food so I will not treat myself badly."  

Both Han Qingqing and Le Yuxin's eyes widened in surprise as they looked at Qin Yang. Han Qingqing doubtfully asked, "You've been working before this?"

Qin Yang nodded. "I've worked for about three to four years. Although I only did it to help out the elders, I did receive some amount of salary and bonuses. The treatment wasn't bad."

Qin Yang couldn't say that he was in the Dragon Group therefore could only say that he was helping out an elder. Anyway, his master was close with the elder in charge of the Dragon Group which was why his master could just throw Qin Yang into the Dragon Group so easily. The elder did actually look after him as one of his own and took care of Qin Yang, but they didn't have that serious of leader-member relation. The elder was instead more like Qin Yang's grandfather, so they got along merrily except for the fact that the elder loved fooling Qin Yang. 

Han Qingqing's eyes lit up; after all, people who are capable are valued everywhere. When they were still studying, Qin Yang was already working hard and earning his own allowance which was definitely something admiring.

"Is that why your English foundation is so poor?"

Qin Yang nodded. He had been in the Dragon Group for a few years and had no time to study, so it wasn't wrong to say so.

Le Yuxin said with admiration, "Wow, it's great that you've been working and making money at such a young age."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "It was good to experience society in advance. It'll come around sooner or later, wouldn't it?"

Han Qingqing still had tons of questions in her mind. For example: why did Qin Yang start working at such a young age? Was it because his family was poor and short of money? However, she just kept quiet and continued eating, but she did have a better impression of Qin Yang.

This meal was just to thank Han Qingqing in advance for lending a helping hand, so there were no feelings involved. With their relationship as classmates and friends, this meal was stress-free and all of them had a great time.

After dinner, Qin Yang went inside to pay the bill and then went to the toilet. When he came out, he saw a young man with a buzz cut wearing a tight black T-shirt sitting in his seat. There were also two young men standing behind him with their hands crossed while enjoying the scene in front of them.

The buzz cut boy was about twenty-four or five years old. He was trying to flirt with Han Qingqing and even reached out his hands toward her. Han Qingqing kept a cold face, while Le Yuxin, on the other hand, looked nervous. She was looking at the store, and when Qin Yang appeared, her face immediately showed a happy look.

Qin Yang had a cold look on his face and quickly stepped out.

Han Qingqing also noticed Qin Yang coming toward them. She stood up, grabbed her books, and planned to leave. The buzz-cut boy smiled as he stood up and tried to stop Han Qingqing. He was about to make another move when he suddenly felt a tight grip around his neck. Suddenly, he felt a strong force, and his body was pulled backward.

The buzz-cut boy stumbled and nearly fell. As he turned around, he saw Qin Yang with a cold look on his face and angrily said, "Boy, are you risking your neck? Do you know who I am?"