You Faked It So Well!

"Han Qingqing, are you alright?"

Though Qin Yang wasn't interested in Han Qingqing, they were still classmates. Qin Yang certainly couldn't just neglect her, so he turned around and asked in a low voice.

Han Qingqing raised her head, her usual cold face showing a hint of weakness. "My stomach hurts."

Qin Yang frowned. "Then you should hurry and get to the nurses' office, or even go to the hospital."

Han Qingqing bit her lips hard and looked at the stage as she shook her head. "It's okay, it's tolerable. It'll be my show soon, I will go after it's finished."

Le Yuxin beside her asked with concern, "Qingqing, are you okay? Don't force yourself, your health is more important."

Xue Wantong also asked out of concern, "Yes, your health is more important. It's fine if you skip the show. In your current state, even if you make it on stage, you might not be able to perform."

Han Qingqing had a shallow smile on her face. "It's fine, the song I'll be playing isn't too long and it's really easy. It should be over really quickly."

With everyone looking at her worriedly, Han Qingqing added again, "It's my own body, I know myself best, don't worry."

Upon hearing what Han Qingqing had said, all of them stopped persuading her, but Qin Yang still looked at her with concern.

As soon as the chorus and the skit from Class 2 finished their shows, they were immediately followed by a piano solo of 'Shepherd Piccolo' by Class 3's Cheng Yingfan. Cheng Yingfan, in a set of black suit, white shirt, and a tie, sat down on the bench in front of the piano. A halo of white light appeared, shedding light on Cheng Yingfan and the piano.

"Wow, he looks pretty handsome!"

"Although it's a little formal, he still looks pretty good."

"He might look professional, but who knows if he really knows how to play."

"So exciting!"

Cheng Yingfan looked calm and confident. Upon touching the piano, a series of cheerful tones rang through the hall.

The audience immediately became quiet as they listened to Cheng Yingfan's solo. Most of them were very attentive to the performance. Regardless of gender and whether they really knew music, the piece's Chinese touch with a cheerful and lighthearted characteristic had attracted and enthralled the audience.

Professor Zhang Ming lightly nodded his head as he listened. For a musical professional like him, this 'Shepherd Piccolo' was not perfect. But as an easy-going person, he found it pretty impressive for a non-professional student. He even felt some sympathy for Cheng Yingfan. If he were to continue his music path, he might be able to achieve great achievements.

Qin Yang only listened for a short while and then frowned. He turned his eyes to Han Qingqing who was standing nearby and felt concerned.

Han Qingqing was crouching even more than before. Her hands were pressed on her belly, and she was biting onto her lips with a painful expression on her face. However, she did not make any noise and was trying not to affect anyone.

Soon, 'Shepherd Piccolo' came to an end with a string of light notes. The hall was filled with a round of heated applause, including cheers and whistles. The students of Class 3, who were right behind Qin Yang and the others, yelled in unparalleled arrogance.

"Han Qingqing, the next show is yours!"

At this point, the two hosts returned on stage and halted Cheng Yingfan, who was preparing to leave, with the intent to interview.

As Cheng Yingfan spoke about his piano career on stage and even used the opportunity to express his intention of learning from Professor Zhang Ming, Han Qingqing stood up with a pale face and prepared to go up.

But a few steps later, Han Qingqing suddenly exclaimed and crouched forward with her hands hugging her belly. Her face was filled with agony, and there were droplets all over her forehead.

Xue Wantong promptly stood up. "Han Qingqing, how are you?"

"My stomach hurts..."

Han Qingqing could barely answer, but she was still trying to stand up to get on stage. But as soon as she stood up, she immediately grabbed onto a chair nearby. It was obvious that her stomach was hurting so much that she couldn't even stand.

Xue Wantong was frightened. "Le Yuxin, Zhao Rui, help her up. Let's go to the nurses' office now."

Han Qingqing spoke, her teeth biting her lips, "I have to get on stage..."

Xue Wantong said without hesitation, "Now is not the time to worry about the show. Liu Rong, He Tianfeng, both of you inform the organizer that we're canceling the show."

He Tianfeng agreed and stood up when an evil voice came from behind, "Are you really that scared? Your pain came so timely. I guess it only hurts when you have to go on stage. That is a pretty good excuse."

Qin Yang couldn't help but frown. He turned around and saw the teacher Zheng Mai with a mean look on her face. As she spoke, the rest of the Class 3 students chimed in as well. 

"Yeah, it could have hurt at some other time, why now!"

"You can really act!"

"If you're worried that you'll lose, just admit it. That would be much better. Look at how embarrassing you are now!"

"You were so arrogant just now! Why stop now?"

"What's the point of being so pretty if you're such a coward..."

The sour rumors behind were like sharp knives stabbing at her. Her eyes showed a sense of determination, and she stood up with her hands off of her belly. However, Qin Yang could see from her cheeks that she was trying really hard to suppress the pain.

"Let me go on stage! Regardless of what's going to happen, I will finish this song. I won't embarrass our class!"

Just as Han Qingqing was about to take a step forward, she was suddenly grabbed by the arm. When she turned around, she saw Qin Yang's calm face, but his eyes were burning with rage.

"Don't. Even if you go up and manage to finish the performance, they'll still look for something to say about you and about us."

Qin Yang didn't give her the chance to say anything and directly spoke to Wantong, "Teacher, take her to the nurses' office. Le Yuxin, Zhao Rui, please help her there. I'll take it from here."

When Xue Wantong saw Qin Yang who came out of nowhere with his deep voice, Xue Wantong's heart that was pacing immediately calmed down. She nodded. "Alright, go look for the teacher backstage and cancel Han Qingqing's show..."

Qin Yang turned to look at the Class 3 students, who were still going on with sour rumors, and at Zheng Mei with her mean expressions. His eyes narrowed as they glinted with coldness.

"Don't cancel it."

Xue Wantong, being interrupted, looked at Qin Yang in surprise. "What? Don't cancel?"


Le Yuxin asked in confusion, "Qingqing won't be able to go on stage though?"

Qin Yang stared at Han Qingqing and said, "I'll go then!"