

Everyone around was stunned and they turned their attention to Qin Yang.

"Boss, are you saying that you'll substitute Han Qingqing for her piano show?"

Qin Yang confirmed, "Yes!"

Xue Wantong breathed a sigh of relief and nodded. "It's not a bad idea. No matter what it is we're showing, we just need to get through it. Oh right, what do you intend to show?"

Qin Yang scanned across the students behind them with their weird expressions and smiled. "Since they want us to play the piano, then I shall play the piano."

He Tianfeng's eyes widened, and he yelled in surprise. "Damn, Boss, you know how to play the piano?"

Qin Yang smiled. "Just a little."

Sun Xiaodong was equally surprised. "Boss, don't you think you're hiding too much from us?"

Qin Yang smiled and turned to Xue Wantong. With a calm voice, he said, "Teacher, we can't delay Han Qingqing's condition any longer. Look at how much pain she's in. I'm worried that it might be either acute enteritis or acute appendicitis. Please, get her to the nurses' office now. I'll take care of the things here."

As Qin Yang finished, he started walking toward the exit. After all, the host couldn't talk with Cheng Yingfan forever, and the time given to them was limited.

Upon arriving at the exit, Qin Yang briefly halted his step and smiled at his classmates who had all sorts of expressions. "Don't worry, I won't bring shame to our class."

Xue Wantong watched Qin Yang walk toward the stage. She certainly wished to see if Qin Yang could really play the piano and how good he was at it, but she also knew she couldn't waste any more time as Han Qingqing's face had already turned white from the pain. She urged, "Let's go!"

Xue Wantong and the others immediately sent Han Qingqing to the school infirmary. From the look on her face, those from Class 3 in the back understood that Han Qingqing was not faking it. They stopped the verbal attacks against her, but that did not mean that their criticisms would end.

Just because they ceased attacking Han Qingqing didn't mean they would not attack Qin Yang.

"Who's that guy? Does he even know to play the piano?"

"I think he's just there to replace her since they had no other choice. If he was really good at playing the piano, why wasn't he performing in the first place?"

"I know right. He can't be greater than Cheng Yingfan anyway."

"He's just there to make a fool out of himself."

"But he does look fairly handsome and characteristic..."

Zheng Mei didn't say a single word, but she could no longer hide the smug on her face. With Cheng Yingfan's performance from just now, she believed that Qin Yang, a mere temporary substitute, would definitely embarrass himself.

There's no way that he could be better than Cheng Yifan!

Her only displeasure was that Xue Wantong had gone to the infirmary. Zheng Mei had originally intended to criticize her to her face after the performance, but she no longer had the chance.

The host on stage had already announced, "Next, we have… Han Qingqing, a freshman from the English department, Class 2."

Cheers came from the audience. Though the semester had just started fairly recently, Han Qingqing had already been recognized as the 'class belle' and had been remembered by many male students on campus. Now that they knew Han Qingqing was going on stage for a piano solo, claps ensued and whistles were heard from all corners.

Behind the stage, Qin Yang, in a black T-shirt and jeans, calmly walked up.

The host, who was preparing to leave the stage, looked at Qin Yang and was briefly stunned. He turned off the microphone and asked, "Who are you? Where is Han Qingqing?"

Qin Yang smiled. "Han Qingqing had some health issues and already went to the nurses' office. I am from her class and will be substituting her."

The host's eyes were wide open. Do you even know how to play the piano?

Qin Yang, however, didn't say much to the host, walked straight onto the stage, and sat down in front of the piano.

The curtain drew open. A beam of light shot down from atop, covering Qin Yang and the piano.

"Hey, who's that?"

"Wasn't it supposed to be Han Qingqing?"

"F**k, that's a guy? Where is my Goddess?"

"What's the matter? Is it a substitute or the wrong show?"

"Return my Goddess to me!"

"We don't want to watch a man! We want our Goddess!"

A wide range of criticism popped up throughout the hall. Some even yelled slogans of "Return my Goddess" aloud.

Qin Yang remained calm as if the yells below were nonexistent. He slowly lifted his hands and pressed on the black-and-white keys quickly and powerfully.

"Dang Dang Dang~Dang~~"

A string of powerful notes suddenly erupted, hitting the hearts of all viewers and giving them goosebumps! 

This was not an unfamiliar rhythm. Some even yelled in surprise!


"Fifth Symphony, Fate!"

"It's the Fate Symphony!"

"Fate! On a piano solo!"

Beethoven had a range of well-known tracks such as "Moonlight" and "Symphony of Fate" that even an average person would know as they were commonly used.

"Hey, they changed the person so they're changing the show as well?"

"Who is that? A piano solo of the Symphony of Fate... is he sure about this?"

"It's a symphony! It can't be that easy as a piano solo!"

"He's also a Class 2 freshman from the English department. I just saw Han Qingqing being assisted out, maybe she got sick?"

"Oh, a substitute. I wonder about his technique."

Discussions filled the hall, but they soon calmed down, for the powerful piano made their hearts beat and throb, sending goosebumps all over their bodies.

Qin Yang moved continuously and powerfully, sliding across the keys like flowing water. Beautiful notes poured out one by one as he pressed, striking all of their hearts.

In the front row, Professor Zhang Ming's eyes shone brightly. He stared at Qin Yang on the stage and even straightened his back just to see the precise fingering.

He was a professional musician after all and was really knowledgeable about the piano. Plus, Qin Yang was playing the well-known Symphony of Fate, which meant that it would be even easier for him to judge the quality of the performance. As he listened to Qin Yang play, he was shocked!

Fate, being a symphony, would mean that he would have to play more keys simultaneously as a piano solo. Though it wasn't anything ridiculously difficult, it was by no means easy, especially when it came to demonstrating its soul. But Qin Yang played with a professionalism that was far from that of an amateur. It was more like a grandmaster!

He played every single note skillfully. Zhang Ming could even sense several places of modifications during Qin Yang's play, which made the solo more heart-piercing!

Like a knife piercing your heart - hard and fast!

It takes you unprepared, and it takes you down just as quickly!

Zhang Ming's eyes shone brighter and brighter. There was someone so talented in Zhonghai University's English Department!

A good sprout with sufficient spirituality, talent, and ability!

When there was a slight pause, Zhang Ming grabbed Feng Yuanshan's arm next to him and asked with enthusiasm, "Old Feng, I wasn't listening when the host introduced him. What's his name, and which class is he from?"