Me too

"When she can walk, I'll give her a pink dress. When she went to school, he would braid her hair and tie a bow on it. When she goes to junior high school, there should be little boys who like her. We have to prevent her from falling in love at a young age, and we have to be wary of those boys who have ideas about her. When she graduates from college, it's time for her to get married. We have to find her a good husband. On the day of her marriage, we definitely can't bear to part with her and will all cry."

Sheng nanxuan listed out everything. As Gong mo listened to him, he seemed to see a baby girl who had fallen to the ground and grown up.

All of a sudden, she felt terrible. Why wasn't it her daughter?

after thinking so much, I even contacted a fashion designer to custom-make clothes and shoes for her in the future. In the end, " Sheng nanxuan sighed, " it's a boy.