It was obvious that someone was framing him!

I want to find a lawyer, " Sheng Dongyi said with his eyes closed. &Nbsp;

"Only criminals need a lawyer!" Gu Lei said coldly.

Sheng Dongyi frowned and opened his eyes."This is my right."

OK. Gu Lei pushed the phone in front of him. please.

"The phone number is in my phone."

"Please," Gu Lei said.

Sheng Dongyi took out his phone, found Mrs. Sheng's number, and called. mom, I'm at the police station. Can you help me find a lawyer? "

Before the lawyer arrived, Sheng Dongyi refused to say anything.

Gu Lei locked him up in the interrogation room and asked someone to watch the surveillance cameras. Then, he went through the case by himself.

When Sheng Zhongtian and his wife arrived with their lawyers, he was even more confident about the questions he was going to ask.

"Officer!" Mrs. Sheng called out, " what's wrong with my son? Why did you capture him?"