What if Sheng nanxuan is the murderer?

He said,"after I opened the envelope, I saw the photo and the words at the back. I guessed that su mo was the one who did it." Then, someone knocked on the door. I opened the door and didn't see anyone, but there was a CD at the door."

"Are you serious?" Gu Lei frowned.

Sheng Dongyi nodded.

Gu Lei pressed the bell to call someone in and ordered, " "Go check the surveillance video."

Sheng Dongyi shook his head. I've asked security. There was something wrong with the surveillance. Yingluo, it's obvious that someone is trying to harm me! Someone planned su Mo's disappearance and death, and all the unfavorable evidence was pointed at me!"

"We'll investigate this." Gu Lei said, " you just need to answer our questions honestly!

"But you're all suspecting me!"

you're full of suspicions now. Of course we have to be suspicious!

Gu Lei speculated-