Chapter 357 the night God will teach you how to be human

"What online dating? she's my old classmate. You know her too." Gong mo said.

"Oh?" Gong Bai was puzzled.

high school classmate. I call her sugar heart. I think you've met before.

Sheng nanxuan was stunned and looked at her.

Tang Xinxin had been back for many days, but she didn't mention it. He thought that she would keep it a secret forever.

Gong mo had wanted to hide it from him, but it had been so long since candy heart had returned. He might have already received news of it. If I'm too deliberate, I'll only arouse his suspicion. I might as well be more natural. Anyway, it was not wise to lie at this time. Who else could she contact besides candy? Instead of making up a reason, it was better to tell the truth.

Oh? " Gong Bai thought for a moment and asked, " is she the one who often goes to your house? " The decibel level is especially high?"

Yu Xinran perked up her ears when she heard this.