You can't get a divorce when you're still breastfeeding

Sheng nanxuan's body trembled, and his pupils shrank. He looked at her, unable to speak.

Although he was already prepared for this, when things really came, he still wanted to escape! He still hoped that this would not happen!

He didn't know how to answer her. He moved his lips but couldn't say anything.

"Sugar heart said that we were close when we were still studying. She knew that we would be together," Gong mo said.


"But I don't remember anything." Gong mo was a little sad.

Those memories should be beautiful, right? Everyone else knew about it, but she didn't. How could she not be sad? That feeling was as if a piece of her heart had been hollowed out.

"Your brother also said that we knew each other long ago. I thought he was slandering me. So, it's all true?" She looked at him, her eyes full of accusation and disappointment. but why don't I remember? You tell me!"

ink ink, ink, ink. Sheng nanxuan said with difficulty.