Chapter 480 it has to be him

uh, hehe. Gong mo didn't want him to worry, so he didn't tell him that he was in Nanjiang. don't worry, those things have nothing to do with him. We won't be implicated.

"That's good. If anything happens, let me know."

"Alright!" Gong mo readily agreed.

He hung up the phone and looked at the door of the ward, sighing.

Gambino had not woken up yet, and she and Shan Rong would not be able to return to the capital city for a while. Gong Bai would find out about them sooner or later, right?

I don't care! It wasn't a big deal. She just didn't want him to worry and wasn't afraid of him finding out.

Just as Gong mo was about to return to his room, his phone rang again. This time, it was Yu Xinran.

She couldn't help but think,"you two are really a couple. The elder brother just finished his call, and the sister-in-law called again!"

She picked up the phone and heard Yu Xinran ask, " "Gong mo, where are you now?"

"In the hospital. What's wrong?"