How can you have such a crazy thought?

"I ..." Yu Qingliu looked-

Sheng nanxuan, a man, carried the child and hid in the back, while Gong mo, a woman, stood in front of him! This was the complete opposite!

He pointed at Sheng nanxuan. you let a woman protect you. Do you feel bad? "

"What's there to be embarrassed about?" Sheng nanxuan smugly said, " she's my wife! An old single dog like you will never understand this kind of happiness."

pfft-" Yu Qingliu was internally injured.

So what if he was single? Single dogs are still dogs! What right did they have to discriminate against him?

waa waa waa. little Hu Zi was hungry and protested.

"Stop it!" Gong mo hurriedly said. If you want to make a scene, go to the side and give me the child!"

"Eh." Sheng nanxuan dodged her hand. I'll go with you. Don't bother about him. Who knows what's wrong with him? "

"I've gone crazy?" Yu Qingliu followed him unhappily. Sheng nanxuan, I have something to tell you!

"Give me the child." Gong mo said.