The Golden Cicada leaves its shell

Gambino's men were not to be trifled with. Fang Yang chased them all the way to the airport Highway before he managed to stop them.

Sheng nanxuan also asked the driver to stop the car. Gong mo wanted to get out of the car to take a look, but he stopped her. "Don't worry, you just stay in the car."

yiyaya, yiyaya ~"Hu Zi jumped around in her arms and waved his hands wildly.

"Be good," Gong mo lowered his head and kissed him.

haha! Hu Zi laughed. ah! Ah!

be good ~"Gong mo consoled her. we'll talk about it when we get home.

Hu Zi wriggled around in her arms.

Gong mo remained unmoved and looked out of the window with concern.

Sheng nanxuan got out of the car and stood still at the door, watching Fang Yang and the others.

Fang Yang brought his men to open all the cars belonging to Gambino's men, and all the people inside were arrested.

"F * ck!" Fang Yang drove to the last car and kicked the person who pulled him down.