I need his help with this

It was Yu Qingliu on the other end.

"What's going on?" Yu Qingliu asked, flustered. Where's your father-in-law? Why did you run away as soon as you woke up? can't you be more patient?"

Sheng nanxuan took a deep breath and said,'let's meet and talk! He's not my father-in-law now!"

Yu Qingliu was stunned,'Xuxu's situation changed? No wonder the ward was in shambles! Don't tell me the foreigners are going to rape your mother-in-law the moment they wake up?"

Sheng nanxuan hung up the phone in frustration. He really didn't want such an unruly uncle!

"It's Yu Qingliu," he said to Gong mo. I need his help with this, I'll go see him later."

"What about me?" Gong mo asked.

you're so silly. Sheng nanxuan glanced at the child. you take care of the child first.

Gong mo paused for a moment and didn't say anything. After returning home, she took the baby back to her room to feed him.