
Ding dang turned around and left. Yu Qingliu heaved a sigh of relief.

He didn't have any experience with women, and this was a particularly mischievous little girl. She would pretend to cry when she said something wrong. If the elders were to come, it would be all his fault!

Therefore, to him, it was better to leave as soon as possible and not cause him any trouble here.

After eating the noodles, he went upstairs with the file.

At this time, Yu Zhengming and Yu Qingping were at work, and Wu surong and Min Ling were having a banquet. They could only wait until tonight to discuss this.

Yu Qingliu walked into her study room, turned on her computer, and started writing.

Halfway through, he heard someone knocking on the door. He saved the document and turned back."Come in."

It was Wu surong who came in. Yu Qingliu greeted her and asked with a smile, " "The guests have left?"