Wait for her there

"Oh, Yingluo is in red. She ran away after calling the police."

"Which way did he run to?"

"That way." The waiter pointed outside.

"Where did she come from?"

The waiter pointed in the opposite direction.

"Thank you," he said. Sheng nanxuan turned to Gong mo and said,"I'll go over and take a look. Wait for me here.

"Ah?" Gong mo didn't expect him to make such an arrangement. He wanted to go with him. I ...

"It's sunny outside." He pressed her down. be good ~"

He lowered his head and wanted to kiss her, but when he saw the waiter looking at him, he had no choice but to kiss the child on the face.

The child had already fallen asleep. Gong mo sat down with him in his arms.

Sheng nanxuan walked out of the ice cream shop and looked around as he walked along the pedestrian street. What would she see and think when she passed by here?

As he walked past the shoe store, he suddenly froze and turned back to look at the shoes in the display window.