Not leaving any traces

Sheng nanxuan held his pen and hesitated for a moment before giving up.

Of course, he couldn't just leave his phone number. Otherwise, it would be a big deal if he received advertisements every day in the future.

"No need. If she comes back, you don't have to tell her this. Thank you." Sheng nanxuan kept his wallet and left the shoe store.

As he returned to the ice cream shop, he called Fang Yang and asked him to send someone to monitor Yu qinghuan. It would be best if they could follow her to where she lived.

He looked around and realized that there were surveillance cameras along the way. But he couldn't go through the relevant departments now, because Huo Cheng was monitoring his every move and would definitely inform the relevant departments to stop him from investigating.

Unless he hacked into the city's surveillance system.

Oh, let's do that. I'll go home and check it out.