Burial of ashes

Sheng nanxuan only found out about this a few days later and immediately told Yu Qingliu.

Yu Qingliu was puzzled,'why did she leave with Carter? Why didn't you come to us?"

maybe she has her own plans, Yingluo. Sheng nanxuan frowned. In fact, he was very worried about whether Yu qinghuan still had her own thoughts.

There should be!

She had killed Sheng Zhongtian and Liu Xuelan, let him go, and went to his house. These were all the manifestations of her thoughts. Or perhaps, it was her feelings?

But other than that, could she still think?

For example, if Carter ordered her to kill, would she execute the order directly or would she think about whether the person she killed should die?

Carter came to the capital and left. Did Huo Cheng ask him to do that? " Yu Qingliu asked.