A surprise

On the night of the 14th day of the first lunar month, at the Yu family villa.

Yu Qingliu came back from outside, her face flushed with success. Seeing that the lights in the dining room were on, he walked in and saw that the other members of the Yu family were sitting at the table and eating dinner quietly.

"Has young master Qingliu had dinner?" the maid asked.

"Oh, take a bowl." Although he had already eaten, he could still accompany everyone!

Yu Xinran smiled and asked,"little uncle went on a date~"

ahem ... Yu Qingliu coughed awkwardly and asked everyone, " why aren't you saying anything? "

"Eat your food!" Wu surong said.

"I've already eaten."

"Then don't be an eyesore here!"

what's wrong? " Yu Qingliu was stunned. what happened to your grandmother? "

"She's just missing Hu. Don't talk nonsense!" Yu Xinran said softly.

"This New Year is so boring!" Wu surong put down her bowl and chopsticks and stood up.