Going to get the red packet

I received the call this morning, "Yu Qingliu said. it scared me.

"Give him to me, grandma. He's heavy now," Gong mo said to Wu surong.

"It's fine, it's fine," Wu surong couldn't bear to part with him. just for a while. I can carry him.

"You let me hug you too!" Yu Zhengming said.

"Didn't you just hug me?"

"I only hugged him for two seconds!"

"Then you can hug me later!"

Seeing them bickering, Hu Zi lay on Wu surong's body and giggled.

"Are you laughing at great-grandma and great-grandpa?" Wu surong said with a smile.

Hu Zi covered his face shyly and shouted at Gong mo,""Mom ~"

"You can call me mom now?" Wu surong asked in surprise.