She felt that Gong ye was lying

Yu Xinran did as he was told. After pinching the leaf, he was about to pick up a knife when he hurriedly called out, " "I'll do it! Don't hurt your hand!"

Yu Xinran smiled and looked at him. He was embarrassed."What are you doing?"

"Are you shy?" Yu Xinran asked jokingly.

Gong Bai blushed and lowered his head, ignoring her.

She couldn't help but smile. Then she thought of Gong ye and slowly put away her smile."You didn't tell flare my identity, did you?"

Gong Bai paused and glanced at her before he said, " "No, I didn't,"

"She knows now."

"What did she do to you?" Gong Bai was shocked.

Yu Xinran shook her head. I went to the mall with Gong mo today. I happened to run into a film crew there. Fei Yan was there too.

Yu Xinran was explaining the situation when she suddenly heard a bang outside.

The two of them knew that Gong Jie had returned, so they hurried out.