Sister fairy

On the grass, Yu qinghuan quickly overtook the lion, who was chasing her " prey. the lion glanced at her and ran even faster, but her target had become her.

Yu qinghuan saw that it was eyeing her like a tiger watching its prey, so she raised her whip and ruthlessly whipped it.

The lion tilted its body and continued to give chase.

Yu qinghuan laughed coldly. She couldn't be bothered to argue with this little beast. She increased her speed and disappeared from its sight.

The lion was stunned for a moment. It stopped and turned around. When it found that there was no one, it continued to run in the direction it had come from.

Yu qinghuan ran into the forest and stopped.

She raised her head to look at the light and the leaves above her as she slowly rolled the whip into her hand.