She gave him a slap

Zeng Shuai hurriedly put him on the ground and comforted him,""Be good and don't cry ~"

"Don't cry, don't cry, Yingluo, daddy will be here soon!" CEng Shuai was flustered. If she continued to cry like this, the BOSS would definitely blame her when he came.

mommy! Hu Zi continued his search.

"Turtle!" Zeng Shuai suddenly remembered and reached out to pick up the turtle on the ground. When he reached there, he found that the cage was covered with a piece of white cloth.

Just as he was about to open it, there was a pa-

Tian Cheng gave him a tight slap.

He looked over.

Tian Cheng picked up the piece of cloth expressionlessly and stuffed it into her canvas bag.

He reacted. That seemed to be his little underwear.

Is there still justice? He didn't do it on purpose!

burp ~"Hu Zi was so scared by this slap that his crying stopped. After burping, he sneaked a look at CEng Shuai.