Butt hurts

Gong mo had ridden it a few times, but Sheng nanxuan had always been the one leading her. She had not learned how to ride it. However, she had already learned how to get on the horse.

She mounted the horse and began to move forward slowly.

Tian Cheng, who had just been struck by the moonlight, did not even dare to get close to her horse. The coach wanted to help her onto the horse, but she felt uncomfortable and refused to move.

Seeing this, Gong mo guessed that at her age, if she wasn't in a relationship, she had never even held a boy's hand. She must be shy.

Gong mo pulled the reins to stop the horse and dismounted. The coach stretched out his hands to protect her, but he did not dare to touch her.

After she got down, she heaved a sigh of relief. It was her first time getting on and off the horse without Sheng nanxuan. She did not feel safe.

She walked to Tian Cheng's side and asked,"you don't dare to go up?" Don't be afraid, I'll help you."