You actually dared to seduce my brother-in-law?

It was completely out of tune!

When he heard the silence around him, he was stunned for a moment and shyly hid in Sheng nanxuan's arms.

The people around him laughed and Gong mo patted his head.

Then, Gong mo blew out the candles, picked up the dessert Knife, and placed it in Hu Zi's small hand. Together with Sheng nanxuan, they held his hand and cut it.

After the cake was distributed, the banquet officially began.

Everyone gathered in groups of twos and threes with champagne or cakes in their hands and chatted.

Gong mo and Sheng nanxuan stood in front of the cake. From time to time, guests would come over to toast and give their blessings.

As night fell, Cindy hid in a corner. When CEng Shuai left, she immediately took the opportunity to go to Sheng nanxuan.

When Sheng nanxuan and Gong mo saw her, their expressions changed slightly.

Sheng nanxuan stood in front of Gong mo.

Cindy reached out her hand and held a ring box.