I must see Mr. Sheng!

"What does it have to do with me, Yingluo?"

Ding dang mumbled in a low voice, feeling a little guilty.

It seemed like it was indeed her fault. Gong ye must have heard what she said, Nangong Nangong.

Yu Qingliu pulled her away to avoid trouble.

Cindy covered her face with her hand, and the box in her hand fell to the ground.

She raised her head and found that everyone around her was looking at her with surprise, disdain, and ridicule.

It was as if everyone was calling her a fool for delusionally trying to climb up the social ladder of Sheng nanxuan.

However, that was not the case at all!

Gong Fei glared at her hatefully and turned around to kick the brocade box away.

Sindy shouted and wriggled out of the crowd, chasing after the brocade box.

Gong Ying walked in front of Gong mo. Gong mo clenched his fists and looked at her with hatred.