You're not using yourself to reward him?

then you guys can play with him, " Yu Xinran said. Gong mo and I will go to another room.

"Listen to your great-grandfather and great-grandmother," Gong mo said to Hu Zi.

"I'm very obedient," Hu Zi nodded.

"You only know how to praise yourself. When you're not obedient, you act dumb," Gong mo said as he scratched his nose.

Hu Zi stared at her with a silly look on his face, as if he was asking: What was playing dumb?

"Ha, you're acting in front of me now!" Gong mo glared at him and left with Yu Xinran.

Seeing that she had left, Hu Zi let out a sigh of relief and turned around to climb onto Wu surong. great-grandma, I Want Candy!

Wu surong chuckled. I don't dare to let you eat this. Otherwise, your teeth will break. Your father will blame me.

"Come on, come on ~"

"I don't want to." Wu surong pulled a long face. She wanted to give him some, but she did not dare to do so when she thought about how Sheng nanxuan might turn against her.